

Joe Biden couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw this attack from a prominent Democrat

Joe Biden's presidency has been a never-ending fiasco. Even Democrats are beginning to criticize his job performance. And Joe Biden couldn't believe his eyes when...

Major Democrat has egg on his face after he was caught in a stunning lie

Democrats have a well-earned reputation for double standards. They live by the "rules for thee but not for me" mindset. But now this major Democrat...

You won’t believe what government agency Joe Biden is handing over to Stacey Abrams

Democrats have waged a war on conservative speech for several years, with the support of Big Tech. They're gearing up to for their boldest...

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren lost her mind with this jaw-dropping attack on Elon Musk

Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren is one of the most rabid Leftists in all of Congress. Her radicalism knows no end. But Elizabeth Warren has utterly...

CNN is going up in flames after receiving this one letter they never expected

CNN is experiencing major restructuring. The network is suffering as a result massive cost-cutting. And CNN is going up in flames after receiving this one...

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