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White House

Joe Biden’s face went white when he saw these mental competency results

Many have questioned whether Joe Biden is fit for office. It may be even worse than anyone ever thought.

And Joe Biden's face went white when he saw these mental competency results.

Biden’s plans to sell American out to China exposed

Many have suggested that President Biden might be compromised. Now we know how. Because Joe Biden's plans to sell America out to China have been...

Joe Biden could be barred from the presidency thanks to this top Republican

The presidential election for 2024 is currently ongoing. Democrats are still awaiting Joe Biden's announcement.

But Joe Biden could be barred from the presidency thanks to this top Republican.

Joe Biden nearly fainted when he got this bad news

President Biden was hoping the worst was over. But he was dead wrong.

And Joe Biden nearly fainted when he got this bad news.

Karine Jean-Pierre exposed one shocking truth about Joe Biden that will leave you stunned

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's only job is to twist the truth to shield Joe Biden. But she accidentally let one cat out...

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