Michelle Obama just smacked Joe Biden with a 2024 surprise

Joe Biden has yet to formally announce his candidacy for president in 2024. Many on the Left are wondering if this is their chance.

And Michelle Obama just smacked Joe Biden with a 2024 surprise.

Initially scheduled for just after Christmas, President Joe Biden has continued to delay publicly announcing his campaign despite claiming he is running for a second term.

But, in 2024, President Biden will be 82 years old, and he will beg People to maintain him as Commander-in-Chief until he is 86.

Despite his claim to be running for re-election, polls show that a majority of Americans believe Biden is not mentally fit to be President and should step down at the end of his current term.

Due to his age and decreasing mental faculties, polls consistently suggest that a majority of Democratic voters prefer someone other than Joe Biden to be the Party’s nominee in 2024.

Nevertheless, a new poll by McLaughlin & Associates reveals which Democrat could succeed President Biden.

And it’s not who you’d anticipate.

“Thinking ahead to the 2024 Democratic primary election for President, if that election were held today among the following candidates, for whom would you vote?” the survey asked respondents.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, unsuccessful 2020 Presidential contender Beto O’Rourke, Vice President Kamala Harris, and several more Democratic names were mentioned as possible candidates.

When asked to choose from a crowded field, the survey put President Biden at the top.

Even in the top slot, though, Biden received only 26% of Democratic support, hardly more than a quarter of whom were Democrats.

But it was the runner-up in the crowded field who surprised everyone.

Michelle Obama came in second place with 12%.

In a crowded field, Joe Biden and Michelle Obama were the only two Democrats with double-digit support.

When Biden is removed from the equation, Obama takes the lead with 19% of the vote, followed by Vice President Harris and Secretary Buttigieg with 11% each.

Not only that, but the poll indicated that in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump leads Vice President Joe Biden 48% to 44%.

Biden has often stated that the reason he is running for a second term – and why he ran for President in the first place – is because he is the only Democrat capable of defeating Trump.

But, polls no longer support his claim, with Trump outperforming the President in several recent polls.

Biden’s presidency has been a fiasco, and he is widely despised by voters.

Democrats, on the other hand, are stuck with Joe Biden unless he decides to stand down and not run for re-election.

And it is exactly what the majority of Democrats hope he will do.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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