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White House

A former Clinton advisor just ended Joe Biden’s career in one breath

Joe Biden's ship is sinking fast. His old friends are turning on him in droves.

And now a former Clinton advisor just ended Joe Biden's career in one breath.

James Comer just shot this broadside against the Biden family

The widespread corruption of the Biden family is almost common knowledge. Republicans won’t stop until the truth is exposed.

And James Comer just shot this broadside against the Biden family.

The military delivered intel to Joe Biden that confirmed his worst nightmare

There's no doubt that America is more unsafe under Biden's tenure. America's enemies are circling like wolves.

And now the military has delivered intel to Joe Biden that confirmed his worst nightmare.

One U.S. Senator just ruined Joe Biden’s day with five words

Biden thought he had reached rock bottom in the past few weeks. But he's got another thing coming. Because a U.S. Senator just flat-out ruined...

A Democrat went on Fox News and spilled the truth about Joe Biden

The Joe Biden presidency has been going down in flames. The end of his political career may be right around the corner.

Because a Democrat went on Fox News and spilled the truth about Joe Biden.

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