Chuck Schumer screamed in rage after this top Democrat made this massive mistake

Chuck Schumer has a razor-thin Senate majority. One wrong move could cost him control.

And Chuck Schumer screamed in rage after this top Democrat made this massive mistake.

Democrats exceeded expectations by gaining one Senate seat in last year’s midterm elections.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer now has a 51-49 seat majority in the Upper Chamber.

Democrats are on pins and needles as the 2024 elections approach, because to an unfavorable Senate map that has the Party playing defense.

Arizona is one of the most important battleground states in the country, as the Senate race in 2024 might determine which party controls the majority.

Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), the current Senate seat holder, surprised the nation when she quit the Democratic Party to become an Independent.

The Arizona Senate election in 2024 is shaping up to be a three-way fight.

The first Arizona Democrat to enter the race is far-left Congressman Ruben Gallego, who could be the party’s frontrunner.

Gallego’s radical ties came back to haunt him after launching his bid in the battleground state.

The Congressman is bolstering his Senate campaign with extreme leftists who have a history of disparaging law enforcement.

Rebecca Katz worked on Senator John Fetterman’s (D-PA) campaign and is a Bernie Sanders supporter (I-VT).

She became a major consultant for the Gallego campaign, and her social media history revealed dangerous anti-police language.

Katz accused the police of carrying out a wave of violence against unarmed individuals following the death of George Floyd in 2020.

“We don’t have to imagine this. We’ve seen black people with no weapons getting the s— beat out of them for peacefully protesting all over the country. The police are most certainly not standing by and watching,” Katz said on social media.

In a 2020 social media post, Chuck Rocha, Gallego’s Latino outreach, charged cops of beating people based on their race.

Democrats have been fleeing the war on police enforcement that was initiated in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death.

The Democratic Party promoted the failed “defund the cops” initiative and regularly chastised cops.

This triggered a tremendous crime wave, with murder and violence reaching their greatest levels in a generation across the country.

Democrats have done everything they can to brush their antipathy toward cops under the rug since they learned it was political poison.

Gallego is already indicating that he intends to surround his campaign with extreme leftists in a swing state like Arizona.

“Ruben Gallego is stocking his campaign with anti-police radicals. Arizona families can’t trust Gallego to stand up to Democrats’ ‘Defund the Police’ movement,” National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) spokeswoman Maggie Abboud told Fox News Digital.

Ruben Gallego’s ties to anti-police fanatics may cost him dearly in one of the most significant Senate contests in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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