Impeachment rumors rattle Capitol Hill

Some in the federal government are in for rude awakening. And it’s coming sooner than you think.

And these impeachment rumors just rattled Capitol Hill.

Republicans in Congress are asking that the 51 former US intelligence agency officials who signed an October 2020 letter criticizing The New York Post’s blockbuster report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop be punished.

Republicans in the House and Senate are discussing impeachment, security clearance revocations, firings, and the loss of government contracts for the so-called security experts behind the now-discredited letter.

“Exposing the truth is certainly the first step in accountability, pretty powerful accountability,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told Just the News on Monday.

“But the House can impeach those individuals who are currently serving in government. And a number of those individuals … are now serving in the Biden administration. They also ought to either resign or be impeached.”

Johnson, the ranking member of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, went on to say that any official who signed the letter dated Oct. 19, 2020, should be barred from working in government for the rest of their lives.

“[W]e should do everything we can to revoke security clearances of every one of those individuals that sign that letter,” he said.

“All of them should be barred from either current or future employment with the federal government.”

Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell testified before the House Judiciary Committee last month that he drafted the letter and that Secretary of State Antony Blinken – then a Biden campaign adviser – was the “impetus” behind the attempt to discredit The Post.

Morell and scores of other spy agency heavyweights, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA directors Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta, and John Brennan, signed the letter, which Politico published.

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) answered to a question from Just the News by saying, “Why wouldn’t I? Especially if they knew what they were signing wasn’t truthful, that they said this all just to go after Donald Trump and to protect [Biden’s] son.”

“You’ve got to have consequences for these people,” said Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), echoing Nehls.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) accused the 51 intelligence personnel of attempting to “sway the 2020 election,” and advocated that their government positions should be eliminated.

“If we don’t like the way people have been doing their job, we can fire them in Appropriations — we can completely wipe out their salaries,” Greene told Just the News. “And that’s what I would like to see done.”

“We had 51 members of the intelligence community lie, sign their name to a lie, saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was not real and that it was pure Russian propaganda. We know exactly why they did that, and that was to sway the 2020 election,” she added, calling for “real accountability” for “the Democrats and the agencies they’re in control of.”

According to a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Tuesday, 60% of voters believe Blinken should be impeached for his alleged role in the “disinfo” letter, which Joe Biden used during his Oct. 22, 2020 debate with President Donald Trump to deflect accusations about his involvement in overseas influence-peddling schemes.

The study also indicated that 63% of respondents felt the signers’ security clearances should be revoked.

But, just like most scandals in the D.C. Swamp, this will get swept under the rug, and no one will be held accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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