The Pelosi family just got put on blast by the last person they ever expected

The Pelosis love being in the spotlight. It’s how they’ve made their careers in Washington, D.C.

But the entire Pelosi family just got put on blast by the last person they ever expected.

Russell Brand, an actor, and comedian is quickly moving up the Left’s list of adversaries.

Because Brand is open to having discussions with those on the Right, despite his socialist leanings, he has become a problem for the establishment.

And he’s not afraid to identify the D.C. Swamp.

In a recent podcast, Brand mocked Nancy Pelosi, who resigned as speaker after the Republicans took back control of the House in the November elections.

Brand began his podcast by saying, “Oh, no! Nancy Pelosi isn’t Speaker of the House anymore, and she’s an uncomplicated, brilliant, just, fair, lovely politician. That’s why someone should make a documentary about her from a completely unbiased perspective because it would just show how great she is. Probably best to get her daughter to make it, actually.”

Naturally, it was all done in jest since Brand was discussing the incredible Pelosi documentary that her daughter had produced.

On HBO, the documentary has been almost continuously playing.

It’s incredible that Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra was able to create a documentary on her, and that it was viewed as an impartial assessment by the so-called “mainstream” media.

Brand bluntly called the film “propaganda” and claimed that Pelosi “does seem to be participating in a lot of Congressional grandstanding and moral posturing when in fact making quite a lot of money from regulating companies that her family at least are invested in.”

“So what exactly has Nancy Pelosi done that means she’s so worthy of a hagiography, or is it another case of Washington whitewashing? Hmmm?” added Brand.

Of course, Nancy Pelosi has long been regarded as one of the Swamp’s most notorious residents.

Paul, her husband, has remarkably outperformed even the finest investors in the world, frequently just before Congress takes action.

As Steve Hilton once reported during a “Swamp Watch” segment of Fox News, “Two weeks before she was given special access to the IPO stock, a piece of legislation called the Credit Card Fair Fee Act of 2008 was introduced in the House. It would have cut Visa’s revenue and hurt Visa’s stock price. Something that then-Speaker Pelosi now had a direct interest in.”

By an amazing coincidence, this antitrust bill, which is usually a top priority for Democrats, was never put to a vote on the House floor.

Even though Pelosi has been acting in this way for years, it is not unexpected that her daughter’s documentary left out any of these actions.

Of course, it is unimaginable that HBO would air a similar documentary about their father produced by Ivanka Trump or Don Jr.

Check out the full clip from Russell Brand below:

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