Biden administration lashes out in a brutal attack against a former presidential candidate

The Biden administration has done many horrific things. But this might just be the worst.

Because they have lashed out in a brutal attack against a former presidential candidate.

In a move that should send chills down the spine of every freedom-loving American, the Secret Service will no longer provide protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as reported by the New York Post.

This shocking decision comes on the heels of RFK Jr.’s announcement that he is suspending his presidential campaign and endorsing former President Donald Trump. This is not just an administrative decision; it is a glaring reflection of the anti-democratic nature of the Biden-Harris administration and the entire Democratic Party.

From the outset of his campaign, RFK Jr. faced a hostile environment, not just from his political opponents but from the very government responsible for ensuring his safety. Despite being the nephew of a president who was tragically assassinated and the son of a former attorney general who met the same fate, RFK Jr.’s repeated requests for Secret Service protection were met with a cold and calculated refusal by the Biden administration.

It wasn’t until a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump in July that the administration begrudgingly provided RFK Jr. with the protection he was due. This is a clear sign that Biden and Harris were never interested in safeguarding RFK Jr. but were forced to act only when the political consequences of their inaction became too severe to ignore.

The recent decision to strip RFK Jr. of his Secret Service protection following his endorsement of Trump is nothing short of an act of political retribution. This move by the Biden administration is not just dangerous; it is evil.

By leaving RFK Jr. vulnerable, they are sending a message to anyone who dares to challenge their power: If you step out of line, you will be abandoned and left to fend for yourself, no matter the risk to your life.

The decision to deny RFK Jr. protection is not an isolated incident; it is part of a broader pattern of anti-democratic behavior by the Democratic Party. From the very beginning of his campaign, RFK Jr. faced an uphill battle, not just against his opponents but against the Democratic establishment itself.

The party, which claims to champion democracy, showed its true colors by preventing RFK Jr. from running in the primaries against Biden. They used every trick in the book to undermine his campaign, from harassing his team to removing his name from the ballot in several states.

This is not the behavior of a party that believes in democracy; it is the behavior of a party that is terrified of it. The Democrats are so afraid of competition and dissent within their ranks that they will do anything to silence it. RFK Jr.’s experience is a stark reminder that the Democratic Party is no longer a party of the people; it is a party of elites who will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power.

The Secret Service, an agency tasked with protecting our nation’s leaders, has become a shadow of its former self under the Biden administration. The agency’s failure to prevent the assassination attempt on Trump is a testament to the incompetence and corruption that has taken root within its ranks.

Despite overwhelming evidence that the threat against Trump was real and imminent, the Secret Service failed to act, leading to the resignation of former Director Kimberly Cheatle after a bipartisan committee expressed its loss of faith in her leadership.

The same agency that failed to protect Trump is now being weaponized against RFK Jr. by denying him the protection he so clearly needs. This is a dangerous precedent that should concern every American, regardless of their political affiliation. The Secret Service is supposed to be above politics, but under the Biden administration, it has been reduced to a tool of political vengeance.

RFK Jr.’s decision to endorse Donald Trump is not just a political move; it is a bold stand for freedom and democracy. By suspending his campaign and throwing his support behind Trump, RFK Jr. is sending a clear message:

The Democratic Party has lost its way, and the only way to restore America’s values is to rally behind a leader who truly understands and respects them.

RFK Jr. is not terminating his campaign; he is suspending it. This distinction is crucial. By keeping his name on the ballot in key battleground states, RFK Jr. is ensuring that the voice of the American people is heard.

He understands that the stakes in this election are too high to sit on the sidelines. The future of our democracy depends on defeating Kamala Harris and the Democrats who have proven time and again that they do not have the best interests of the American people at heart.

The Democratic Party’s treatment of RFK Jr. is a microcosm of their broader agenda. They are not interested in democracy; they are interested in power. They will do whatever it takes to maintain that power, even if it means trampling on the rights and safety of their own citizens. Their refusal to protect RFK Jr. is just the latest example of their disdain for anyone who dares to challenge their authority.

This is a party that is willing to risk the life of a presidential candidate because he endorsed the wrong person. This is a party that has rigged the system to ensure that their chosen candidate, Kamala Harris, faces no real competition. This is a party that is so consumed by its lust for power that it has lost all sense of morality and decency.

The events surrounding RFK Jr. should serve as a wake-up call for all Americans. The Biden-Harris administration and the Democratic Party have shown that they are willing to go to any lengths to maintain their grip on power, even if it means undermining the very principles of freedom and democracy that our nation was founded upon.

This is not just about RFK Jr.; this is about the future of our country. If we allow the Democrats to continue down this path, we risk losing everything that makes America great. We must stand together and fight against this tyranny. We must support leaders like Donald Trump and RFK Jr. who are willing to stand up for our rights and our freedoms.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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