Biden administration suffers major legal blow that could force them to step back

The Radical Left has been making horrible policy decisions that hurt American lives. But now, all of that could change.

Because the Biden administration has suffered a major legal blow that could force them to step back.

In a decisive stand against Joe Biden’s Radical and unconstitutional policies, more than two dozen Republican attorneys general have initiated legal challenges against the administration’s new regulations on private firearm sales.

The regulations, which they argue violate fundamental Second Amendment rights, require individuals profiting from gun sales to conduct background checks and obtain a federal firearms license regardless of the selling circumstances.

Leading the charge is Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who, together with the Attorneys General from Louisiana, Mississippi, Utah, and organizations such as the Gun Owners of America, the Virginia Citizens Defense League, and the Tennessee Firearms Association, has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

They assert that the ATF lacks the statutory authority to enforce such a rule and that the rule infringes upon both the Second and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution.

Paxton expressed his concern, stating, “Yet again, Joe Biden is weaponizing the federal bureaucracy to rip up the Constitution and destroy our citizens’ Second Amendment rights. This is a dramatic escalation of his tyrannical abuse of authority. With today’s lawsuit, it is my great honor to defend our Constitutionally-protected freedoms from the out-of-control federal government.”

A separate legal action led by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach includes support from a wide coalition of states including Iowa, Montana, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Kobach criticized the rule for potentially criminalizing ordinary Americans who engage in low-volume firearm sales among family and friends without undergoing federal registration or licensing.

“Biden’s latest attempt to strip away the Second Amendment rights of Americans through ATF regulations will make many law-abiding gun owners felons if they sell a firearm or two to family or friends,” Kobach remarked.

“This rule is blatantly unconstitutional. We are suing to defend the Second Amendment rights of all Americans,” he added.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has also stepped forward with a lawsuit, arguing that the proposed rule stretches far beyond the directives of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA)—legislation passed with some bipartisan support that aimed to enhance background checks and fund state-level “red flag” laws.

“The challenged rule, in fact, goes far beyond the plain text of the BSCA,” says the Florida lawsuit.

“It purports to force thousands of law-abiding gun owners to register as federal firearms dealers and navigate a federal bureaucracy as a precondition to engaging in constitutionally protected activity. The challenged rule is unlawful.”

These lawsuits reflect a growing concern among many Americans that the Biden administration is using federal agencies to encroach upon individual rights and to reinterpret laws without proper legislative oversight.

As these cases progress through the courts, they will not only test the bounds of executive authority regarding gun regulations but also set significant precedents on how far the government can go in regulating private sales of firearms without infringing on constitutional rights.

The outcomes could have profound implications for the future of gun legislation and the protection of individual liberties in the United States.

We cannot sit idly by as the Left steals away our freedoms and forces their Radical agenda on us. The Constitution is in place for a reason, and we must protect that sacred document.

As long as the Radical Left continues to oppress the American people, we will demand justice and accountability.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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