Biden-Harris administration caught spying on political rivals

The American people have been worried for years about being spied on. But this futuristic worry seems to already be happening.

And the Biden-Harris administration has been caught spying on political rivals.

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan has taken a strong stand against a disturbing overreach by the Biden-Harris administration. Jordan is demanding that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) turn over critical documents related to the surveillance of former Representative Tulsi Gabbard under the controversial Quiet Skies program.

The move has sparked outrage among conservatives and civil liberties advocates alike, who view this as yet another instance of the federal government being weaponized for political purposes.

The Quiet Skies program, administered by the TSA, is designed to monitor individuals deemed a potential security risk while traveling by air. Typically, this program is reserved for those with suspected ties to terrorism or other serious threats to national security.

However, the revelation that Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman who has become an outspoken critic of the Biden-Harris administration, was placed under surveillance raises significant concerns about the misuse of this program for political ends.

According to whistleblowers within the Federal Air Marshals, Gabbard was flagged for surveillance on July 23, 2024—just one day after she publicly criticized the Biden-Harris administration in a televised interview.

The timing is more than suspicious; it suggests a direct correlation between Gabbard’s criticism and her subsequent targeting by the TSA. As Jim Jordan pointed out in his letter to the TSA head, the justification for surveilling Gabbard “didn’t pass the smell test.”

On August 21, 2024, the House Judiciary Committee, led by Jordan, formally requested information and documents from the TSA regarding the surveillance of Gabbard. To date, the TSA has failed to comply with these requests, prompting Jordan to send a follow-up letter reiterating the committee’s demands. In the letter, Jordan accused the TSA of “stonewalling” the committee’s inquiries, a serious allegation that suggests the agency may be hiding something.

“We ask that you produce the requested information and schedule the requested briefing immediately, but not later than 10:00 am on September 23, 2024,” Jordan wrote. He further warned that the committee is prepared to use its authority to compel the TSA to comply, stating that they would resort to a “compulsory process” if necessary.

The refusal of the TSA to cooperate with a congressional investigation is deeply troubling. In a transparent democracy, federal agencies must be accountable to the people’s representatives. The fact that the TSA is dragging its feet in providing this information only adds to the suspicion that Gabbard’s surveillance was politically motivated.

Tulsi Gabbard’s inclusion on the Quiet Skies list appears to be a retaliatory act by an administration that has increasingly shown its intolerance for dissent. Gabbard, once a rising star in the Democratic Party, has become a vocal critic of the Biden-Harris administration’s policies. Her recent endorsement of Donald Trump and her pledge to serve on his transition team if he is elected have only intensified the backlash against her from the left.

Gabbard’s willingness to challenge the Democratic establishment has made her a target, not just of political attacks, but now, it seems, of federal surveillance. This is not just an issue of one individual being wronged; it is a chilling example of how the current administration may be using federal agencies to silence and intimidate its political opponents.

The potential abuse of the Quiet Skies program to target a political opponent like Tulsi Gabbard is a serious threat to civil liberties. If the federal government can surveil a former congresswoman for her political beliefs, what is to stop them from doing the same to ordinary citizens who dare to speak out against the administration?

This situation is eerily reminiscent of past abuses of power, where government agencies were used to target political enemies. The very fact that such parallels can be drawn is alarming. It suggests that the Biden-Harris administration is willing to go to any lengths, including the misuse of federal resources, to protect its political power and silence dissent.

Jim Jordan’s demand for transparency and accountability from the TSA is not just about Tulsi Gabbard; it is about upholding the principles of democracy and ensuring that no one, regardless of their political affiliation, is above the law.

Jordan’s efforts to uncover the truth about Gabbard’s surveillance are critical in preventing the Quiet Skies program from becoming a tool for political persecution.

As Jordan continues to push for answers, the American people must remain vigilant. The misuse of federal agencies for political purposes is a dangerous precedent that threatens the very foundation of our democracy. The TSA’s refusal to comply with the House Judiciary Committee’s requests only deepens the concern that something is seriously amiss.

The surveillance of Tulsi Gabbard under the Quiet Skies program is a stark reminder of the potential for government overreach and the need for rigorous oversight of federal agencies. Jim Jordan’s fight to hold the TSA accountable is a crucial step in protecting our civil liberties and ensuring that the government serves the people, not the other way around.

As we approach the 2024 election, the American people must demand transparency, accountability, and respect for the rule of law from their government. The potential abuse of the Quiet Skies program is not just a political issue; it is a fundamental threat to the freedoms that define our nation. It is time for the Biden-Harris administration to come clean and for the TSA to answer the tough questions posed by Jim Jordan and the House Judiciary Committee.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this chilling development.

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