Biden-Harris administration’s weak foreign policy leads to even more American deaths

The Biden-Harris administration has failed in almost every area. But this might be the worst.

Because the Biden-Harris administration’s weak foreign policy has led to even more American deaths.

In the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent condemnation of President Joe Biden’s weak and misguided approach could not be more accurate. The Biden administration’s insistence on urging Israel to show restraint in the face of ruthless terrorism has not only endangered Jewish lives but also emboldened those who seek to destroy the Jewish state.

This is not just a foreign policy failure; it is a dangerous betrayal of America’s closest ally in the Middle East and a chilling reminder of the rising tide of anti-Semitism that has been allowed to fester under Biden’s watch.

The recent execution of six more hostages by Hamas, including 23-year-old American Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin, should have been met with unequivocal support for Israel’s right to defend itself. Instead, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris issued tepid statements condemning Hamas, only to turn around and criticize Netanyahu for supposedly not doing enough to secure a deal with the terrorist group.

This misguided approach reveals a shocking lack of understanding of the situation on the ground and a dangerous willingness to appease terrorists at the expense of Israel’s security.

Netanyahu, in a powerful response, rightly pointed out that Israel has shown restraint and made concessions, often at the behest of the Biden administration, only to be met with more violence and intransigence from Hamas. “I want to ask you something. What has changed in the last five days?” Netanyahu asked. “One thing: these murderers executed six of our hostages. They shot them in the back of the head. That’s what changed! And now after this, we’re asked to show seriousness?! We’re asked to make concessions?!”

This is the crux of the issue: Biden’s weak stances have sent the wrong message to Hamas and the world. By pressuring Israel to hold back and negotiate with terrorists who have no intention of making peace, Biden has effectively put more Jewish lives in danger.

The Israeli Prime Minister is absolutely right to reject further concessions and to call for maximum pressure on Hamas. Anything less is an abdication of leadership.

The Biden administration’s weak policy on Israel is not just a foreign policy failure; it is symptomatic of a broader issue that has plagued the Democratic Party under his leadership: the rise of anti-Semitism in America. From the halls of Congress to the streets of major cities, anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions have surged, often with little to no condemnation from the highest levels of government.

Groups that claim to be “inclusive” and preach love have shown a disturbing tendency to target and vilify those who do not fit their narrow ideological mold, including Jewish communities.

The Democratic Party, which once proudly stood by Israel, now harbors members who openly sympathize with pro-Palestinian terror supporters and denounce Israel’s right to defend itself. This hypocrisy is not just dangerous; it is deeply harmful to the fabric of American society.

Biden’s reluctance to confront these elements within his own party has allowed anti-Semitism to grow unchecked. This is not just a betrayal of Jewish Americans; it is a betrayal of the values that America was founded upon. The party that claims to be inclusive and full of “love” has shown that it hates anyone who isn’t exactly like them, and they reserve a special animosity for Jews.

Netanyahu’s frustration with the Biden administration is more than justified. The international community, led by the United States, should be applying maximum pressure on Hamas, not Israel. Every time Israel is asked to make another concession, Hamas is emboldened to continue its campaign of terror. This cycle of violence will only end when the world makes it clear that terrorism will not be rewarded with political gains.

Biden’s approach, which has been to constantly pressure Israel to show restraint while terrorists murder innocent civilians, is not just misguided; it is morally indefensible. Netanyahu has rightly called out the hypocrisy of the Biden administration, stating, “The pressure internationally must be directed at these killers! At Hamas. Not at Israel.”

The consequences of Biden’s weak leadership are not limited to Israel. His failure to stand firmly with America’s allies and his willingness to appease those who harbor hatred towards Jews have far-reaching implications for global security.

The message being sent to the world is that the United States, under Biden, is no longer the steadfast defender of freedom and democracy that it once was. This is a dangerous precedent that will embolden America’s enemies and undermine its allies.

Netanyahu’s words should serve as a wake-up call to all who value peace and security: “I don’t believe that either President Biden or anyone serious about achieving peace and achieving the release would seriously ask Israel, Israel to make these concessions. We’ve already made them. Hamas has to make the concessions.”

As the situation in Israel grows more dire, it is time for the Biden administration to reevaluate its approach and stand firmly with its ally. The safety and security of Jewish lives depend on strong leadership and unwavering support for Israel’s right to defend itself. Biden’s current path is one that only leads to more violence and more bloodshed.

The world needs an American president who will stand up to terrorism, not one who appeases it. Netanyahu is right, and Biden’s weak stances have put more Jewish lives in danger. It is time for a change in leadership, one that will prioritize the safety of Israel and the eradication of anti-Semitism both at home and abroad.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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