Biden makes a bizarre threat towards Trump on live TV

During a time when Trump’s life is in such danger, you’d think that the Democrats had learned to control their rhetoric. But instead, it seems the opposite is happening.

Because Biden has made a bizarre threat towards Trump on live TV.

In a shocking and highly inappropriate moment on The View this week, President Joe Biden indulged in a tasteless joke that compared former President Donald Trump to a bug.

The segment, meant to poke fun at the 2024 GOP frontrunner, quickly turned into an embarrassment for the Biden camp, revealing just how unserious the current administration is about addressing real threats against their political opponents.

During the Wednesday broadcast, co-host Whoopi Goldberg made an off-the-cuff remark comparing Trump to a pesky insect. “He was like a bug, he just kept being there,” Goldberg quipped while making buzzing noises and mimicking a bug flying around.

Instead of responding with maturity or focusing on the actual political climate, Biden joined in, slapping the desk in a gesture that pretended to squash the imaginary Trump “bug.” The move was met with laughter from the liberal-leaning audience and hosts alike.

The incident highlights an alarming trend: the outright disdain from the Left toward Trump has veered into dangerous and irresponsible rhetoric, one that trivializes the rising threats to his life and safety.

As Biden and the hosts of The View made light of Trump’s presence in the political arena, serious threats and assassination attempts against the former president go underreported, dismissed, or outright ignored by much of the mainstream media.

It’s easy for Biden and the Left to make jokes, but the fact remains that Trump has been the victim of two assassination attempts in just the last few months. These incidents are no laughing matter, yet the media coverage has been surprisingly muted.

Instead, we’re treated to lighthearted moments on shows like The View, where the threats against Trump’s life are conveniently ignored or worse, turned into punchlines.

The most recent attempt came in September, when 58-year-old Ryan Routh, a Democratic activist, was accused of plotting to assassinate Trump while he was at one of his properties. Routh allegedly camped out on the perimeter of a golf course where he intended to carry out his deadly plan.

Even more disturbing, the United States Secret Service (USSS) admitted that they had not conducted a thorough search of the area because Trump’s golf game was not on his official schedule. This level of negligence in protecting a former president is astonishing, and yet the mainstream media has barely whispered about it.

To make matters worse, this wasn’t the first time Trump’s life had been in danger this year. In July, at a rally in Butler, PA, the Secret Service again failed to alert Trump about an active shooter in the vicinity. This clear lapse in protocol raises troubling questions about the agency’s commitment to protecting the former president, especially considering the heightened threats against him.

The casual attitude toward the dangers Trump faces doesn’t stop at television hosts like Goldberg. Biden himself has adopted increasingly inflammatory language when discussing Trump, labeling him as a “threat to democracy” and someone with “no social redeeming value.” This kind of rhetoric isn’t just political banter; it fuels the flames of division and gives tacit approval to those who might take matters into their own hands.

When Biden was asked on The View about Trump’s claim that his rhetoric had inspired these assassination attempts, he simply brushed it off, calling Trump an “unusual president” and continuing with the same tired talking points about how Trump doesn’t believe in democracy or the rule of law. What Biden failed to address was the real issue at hand: the rise in politically motivated violence, especially against Republicans.

It’s important to remember that this isn’t just some isolated event or the result of fringe figures. The Democratic Party, from its leadership down to its most vocal members, has normalized violent and hateful rhetoric aimed at Donald Trump and his supporters. Just last year, Kamala Harris was caught joking about killing Trump, and other prominent Democratic lawmakers have continually referred to him as a “threat to democracy.”

When high-ranking officials and politicians openly speak about Trump as if he’s a danger to the very fabric of America, it’s no surprise that some extremists take this rhetoric as a call to action.

Imagine if the tables were turned. If Republican leaders or conservative television hosts made jokes about the safety of a sitting Democratic president, the media would be in an uproar. There would be wall-to-wall coverage, condemnations from every corner of the political spectrum, and demands for accountability. But when it’s Trump, the Left not only excuses the behavior, they laugh along.

This is the same double standard we’ve come to expect. Democrats are quick to clutch their pearls when they feel their side is under attack but have no qualms about encouraging hostility toward Trump. The hypocrisy is glaring, but more concerning is the culture of permissiveness around violent language that could have real-world consequences.

Trump’s political resilience, his continued presence on the national stage despite multiple attempts to undermine and silence him, clearly drives the Left into a frenzy. Unable to defeat him in the realm of ideas, they’ve turned to mockery and insults, hoping to dehumanize him in the eyes of the public. But this isn’t just political theater—it’s dangerous.

Much of the blame also falls squarely on the shoulders of the mainstream media. Outlets like CNN and MSNBC spend hours regurgitating anti-Trump talking points, painting him as an existential threat to democracy. This constant barrage of negative coverage isn’t just opinion, it’s a call to action for extremists who might already be on the edge.

In the case of Ryan Routh, the man accused of plotting to assassinate Trump, there’s a troubling connection to the toxic political environment created by the media and the Democratic Party. Routh was a Democratic activist, someone who likely consumed this negative portrayal of Trump daily. When the constant drumbeat is that Trump is a threat that must be eliminated, is it really a surprise when someone takes that message to heart?

The media has a responsibility to cover political figures fairly and to be mindful of the power of their words. Unfortunately, they have largely abdicated that responsibility when it comes to Donald Trump. Rather than calling out the violence and threats against him, they either ignore it or, in some cases, seem to encourage it.

President Biden’s bizarre behavior on The View—comparing Trump to a bug and swatting at the table—wasn’t just a moment of poor taste. It was a revealing glimpse into the mindset of a political establishment that sees Trump as nothing more than a nuisance to be squashed. But as the assassination attempts against Trump have shown, this dismissive attitude has real-world consequences.

Instead of laughing along with the audience, Biden and his administration should be condemning the violence and threats against Trump. The media, too, needs to take a hard look at how their portrayal of Trump may be fueling extremism. If we are to preserve the principles of democracy and free speech, it’s imperative that all threats of violence, no matter who they’re directed at, are treated with the seriousness they deserve.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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