Biden makes eyebrow raising endorsement for President

Joe Biden’s mental health is deteriorating rapidly, and he is unfit to serve as president. Yet he still up until now has remained adamant that he is running.

But now Biden made an eyebrow-raising endorsement for President.

During a recent event in California, Joe Biden made some shocking comments that took the political world by storm.

At the APEC event alongside the California Governor, Joe Biden was going about his usual attempt at speaking when he said something so shocking that people don’t know what is going on.

Biden seemingly endorsed Newsom for president and told the public that Governor Newsom could “have the job.”

Biden said, “I want to talk about Gov. Newsom. I want to thank him. He’s been one hell of a governor, man. As a matter of fact, he can be anything he wants. He can have the job I’m looking for.”

Newsom has been a loud voice of support for Joe Biden and his 2024 presidential campaign, but he has also been accused of running his own “shadow campaign” for president as some have labeled it.

Some of the reasons for this accusation against Newsom stem from his recent high-profile trips including his recent one last month to China.

Newsom greeted the Chinese “president” when he landed in California and he also hosted a “high dollar” fundraiser for Biden on Tuesday.

During his speech in which Biden seemingly endorsed Newsom for president, he also made remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris who is also from the San Fransico area.

“I’m particularly grateful for the Bay Area for giving our great vice president the chance to become vice president,” Biden said. “She’s the best. She’s an outstanding leader and a great partner.”

Biden also told the San Fransico mayor that she had “the hardest job in American politics” which is funny because she has done one of the worst jobs in the history of American politics and has effectively destroyed her own city.

These remarks about Harris and Newsom leave many to wonder about the future of Biden’s presidential campaign.

Many in his own party have begged him to not run again due to his age and health, and many others have called out Harris for her atrocious leadership as vice president.

However, until now, it has not appeared that Biden will step down from the race to allow someone else a shot.

But now, has Biden inadvertently unveiled the Democrats’ secret plan to replace Joe Biden with someone else?

It is hard to tell if these recent comments from Biden are true or if they are just another instance of his rambling where no one can really tell what he is trying to say.

Regardless, the American people deserve better than Joe Biden who is so incompetent that he has effectively brought America down even lower than it ever was in COVID and he has ruined the economy for us all.

However, Newsom is also certainly not a much better option either, and if anyone needs any proof of Newsom’s own incompetencies, just look at California…

No. America needs a strong leader who will dedicate himself to the American people and make America great like it was.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

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