Biden official makes a surprising admission that reveals the truth about the immigration crisis

The Biden administration spent most of its term claiming that the border crisis was not a problem. Now they are rapidly backpedaling.

And a Biden official has made a surprising admission that reveals the truth about it all

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell confirmed on Monday that the millions of illegal immigrants who have crossed the southern border under the Biden-Harris administration are directly contributing to rising unemployment in America.

Powell’s comments came in response to a reporter’s question regarding the labor market and how the influx of undocumented workers has impacted job creation and job loss.

House Speaker Mike Johnson wasted no time drawing attention to Powell’s remarks, posting on X, “The Federal Reserve Chairman admitted the massive influx of illegal immigrants under Biden and Harris has raised the unemployment rate. This administration’s refusal to secure the border is actively harming American workers and our economy.”

During his discussion, Powell responded to a question about whether “labor market cooling” would result in job loss. His answer was striking: “It depends on the inflows, right? So if you’re having millions of people come into the labor force, then you’re creating 100,000 jobs.”

Powell acknowledged the influx of millions of illegal immigrants into the U.S. labor market, adding, “We understand there’s been quite an influx across the borders, and that has actually been one of the things that’s allowed the unemployment rate to rise.”

This candid acknowledgment confirms what many conservatives have long suspected: the Biden administration’s open-border policies are actively undermining the American labor market by creating more competition for jobs.

Powell’s statement is a far cry from the empty promises the administration continues to peddle. The consequences of these policies are being felt by hardworking Americans who are watching their job opportunities evaporate as millions of illegal immigrants flood the labor market, creating a surplus of workers that drives down wages and raises the unemployment rate.

This latest revelation from the Federal Reserve chairman adds to the growing list of failures by the Biden-Harris administration to secure our southern border. Since taking office, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have overseen an unprecedented border crisis that has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to pour into the country, with no end in sight.

In fact, the administration has continued to not only neglect the border but actively exacerbate the problem. Harris, who was appointed by Biden in March 2021 to address the “root causes” of migration, has yet to make any meaningful progress.

Instead, the administration has pursued policies that encourage illegal immigration while ignoring the strain it places on the American worker and economy.

Harris has repeatedly promised to fix the issue, but as former President Donald Trump pointed out during the September 3 presidential debate, Harris has failed to take action despite being in the White House for nearly four years.

When asked about the border crisis, Harris claimed that she would handle it “on day one” if elected. Trump rightly challenged her on this, asking why she hasn’t done anything already if she truly believes in securing the border. After all, she’s been in charge of this issue for years now.

Powell’s admission that the massive influx of illegal immigrants is hurting the U.S. labor market should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans. Biden and Harris have spent the last four years catering to the radical left, ignoring the cries of everyday Americans who are struggling to find jobs and make ends meet.

The border crisis is no longer just a national security issue; it’s an economic one. With millions of illegal immigrants entering the country, competing for jobs, and suppressing wages, it is clear that the Biden-Harris administration has turned its back on American workers. Rather than protect the interests of American citizens, they’ve chosen to prioritize the needs of those who enter the country illegally.

The impact of these policies has been devastating. Industries that rely on lower-wage workers, such as construction, agriculture, and hospitality, are being flooded with a surplus of labor, driving down wages for everyone. American workers, many of whom are already struggling in the current economic climate, are being forced to compete with illegal immigrants for jobs that should go to legal residents and citizens.

Let’s be clear: the current border crisis is not an accident or an oversight. It is a direct result of the policies put in place by the Biden-Harris administration and their allies on the left. From day one, this administration has embraced policies that encourage illegal immigration, turning a blind eye to the overwhelming consequences it has on our economy and workforce.

Biden and Harris have gone out of their way to ensure that illegal immigrants are protected, even at the expense of American citizens. They’ve fought to end Trump-era policies like the “Remain in Mexico” program and border wall construction, which had helped reduce illegal crossings. Instead, they’ve embraced policies that fly illegal immigrants from the border to destinations across America, often without notifying state or local authorities.

These actions have sent a clear message to would-be illegal immigrants: if you make it across the border, you will be welcomed with open arms. It’s no surprise, then, that illegal border crossings have skyrocketed under Biden’s watch, overwhelming Border Patrol agents and creating dangerous conditions at the southern border.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s comments on the impact of illegal immigration on the labor market are a damning indictment of the Biden-Harris administration’s economic policies. The flood of illegal immigrants into the U.S. workforce has undermined job creation and led to rising unemployment, particularly among lower-wage workers.

This is the inevitable outcome of a White House that prioritizes political correctness over the needs of everyday Americans. For years, conservatives have warned about the dangers of open-border policies, and now, those warnings are coming to fruition. The American people are paying the price for this administration’s reckless policies, with fewer jobs, lower wages, and rising unemployment.

Powell’s remarks make it clear that the Biden-Harris administration has not only failed to protect our borders but has also actively harmed the American economy by allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country. Rather than address the crisis, Biden and Harris continue to double down on their disastrous policies, leaving American workers in the lurch.

The contrast between the Trump administration’s border policies and the current crisis under Biden could not be more stark. During his time in office, former President Donald Trump made border security a top priority, implementing policies that dramatically reduced illegal immigration and protected American jobs. His administration’s efforts to build the border wall, reinstate “Remain in Mexico,” and crack down on illegal immigration were successful in curbing the influx of undocumented workers.

Trump understood that a secure border is essential not only for national security but for the health of our economy. By enforcing immigration laws and prioritizing the needs of American citizens, Trump protected American jobs and ensured that legal immigrants had a fair chance to succeed.

As Powell’s remarks confirm, the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies are actively harming the American economy and workforce. Their refusal to secure the southern border has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood the labor market, leading to rising unemployment and suppressed wages for hardworking Americans.

It’s time for accountability. The American people deserve leaders who will prioritize their interests and protect their jobs, not cater to radical left-wing agendas that undermine our country’s economic security. President Trump’s successful border policies serve as a roadmap for restoring order and prosperity to our nation. With his return to the White House, we can put an end to the border crisis and get America back on track.

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