Biden’s made this awful move that left Americans stunned in silence

Biden is not known for his tact and charisma. He has made a number of extremely embarrassing mistakes.

And Biden made this awful move that left Americans stunned in silence.

During a presentation of the Medal of Honor, Joe Biden left the ceremony early in an obvious display of carelessness and disrespect.

Social media users have accused Biden of “bolting out of the room” as soon as his required speaking arrangement had been fulfilled.

Other users have called his actions “abhorrent.”

The ceremony was for Army Captain Larry Taylor who served in the Vietnam War.

He was presented with the nation’s highest military honor for his heroic actions during the war.

Captain Taylor flew his helicopter into harm’s way in order to rescue four of his trapped comrades.

Towards the end of the ceremony, Joe Biden placed the medal around Taylor’s neck and then immediately walked out.

He did not wait for the crowd’s applause to finish, he did not wait for the closing prayer, and he did not wait for the benediction.

Instead, Captain Taylor was left to stand on the stage by himself.

In previous years, Joe Biden waited onstage with the recipients until well after the final prayer.

Instead of choosing to do so again to show his respect for the Medal of Honor recipient, the president walked off, seemingly not caring how disrespectful his actions were.

This is not the first time that Biden has shown no care or respect for our military members.

During a ceremony honoring fallen US soldiers in the past, Joe Biden was seen checking his watch and looking around as if he was bored.

It is difficult to tell why Biden left the ceremony early, whether it was because of his ailing mental state or due to his distaste for the men and women that sacrifice everything for their countries.

Regardless of the reasoning, America deserves a President who cares for the men and women who defend the nation.

America deserves a President who will respect and honor the people who have put their lives in harm’s way for his freedoms.

It is time for America to vote this monster out of office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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