CBS polls show stunning truth about 2024 election race

The Leftist media is lying to the American people. And you wouldn’t believe what’s really going on.

And now, a CBS poll has shown the stunning truth about the 2024 election race.

A recent CBS News poll has uncovered a reality that Democrats are likely dreading as they look toward the 2024 presidential election: former President Donald Trump holds a commanding lead over Vice President Kamala Harris on crucial issues such as the economy, immigration, and inflation.

For conservatives, this is no surprise. The American people are seeing what decades of Democratic mismanagement have led to, and they’re ready for a return to Trump’s America-first policies.

The CBS News poll surveyed 3,258 likely voters between August 14 and 16, and the results should have the Democratic establishment on edge. According to the poll, 83 percent of voters identified the economy as a major factor in their voting decisions.

Another 76 percent highlighted inflation, 74 percent pointed to the state of democracy, 62 percent cited crime, and 56 percent marked the U.S.-Mexico border as a key issue.

Among voters who prioritize the economy, inflation, and immigration, Trump leads Harris by a staggering margin. On the economy, Trump has a 56 percent to 43 percent lead over Harris. When it comes to inflation, his advantage expands even further, with a 61 percent to 38 percent lead.

But the most glaring difference comes on the issue of immigration and the border, where Trump dominates Harris 76 percent to 24 percent. These are the core concerns of everyday Americans, and Trump’s track record speaks for itself.

During his administration, America enjoyed unprecedented economic growth, record-low unemployment, and wages were rising for all workers. Trump renegotiated trade deals to put America first and secured our southern border, reducing illegal immigration dramatically. Meanwhile, under the Biden-Harris administration, we’ve seen rampant inflation, skyrocketing food and energy prices, and a border crisis spiraling out of control.

Harris, on the other hand, is burdened by her association with the disastrous Biden administration. The CBS poll revealed that 64 percent of voters view Harris’s policies as “mostly the same” as those of President Biden, with 19 percent saying they are “entirely the same.” That’s bad news for Harris, who, despite Biden’s tanking approval ratings, has been unable to carve out any identity of her own.

Voters know what they’re getting with Harris, and it’s more of the same: more inflation, more reckless spending, more open borders, and more weakness on the world stage. Trump’s America was one of strength, security, and economic prosperity, while Biden and Harris have ushered in an era of uncertainty, chaos, and decline. Even on something as basic as border security, the poll shows that 48 percent of voters expect more border crossings if Harris were to win in 2024, while only 8 percent believe the problem would worsen under Trump.

In fact, a resounding 72 percent of voters believe border crossings would decrease with Trump back in the Oval Office.

The economy remains the most critical issue for American voters, and Trump’s policies clearly resonate. When Trump was president, he slashed taxes, reduced burdensome regulations, and revitalized American manufacturing.

His America-first trade policies and tax cuts for middle-class families fueled a boom that lifted millions of Americans out of poverty and into financial security.

Compare that to the Biden-Harris approach, which has been nothing short of catastrophic. Inflation, driven by reckless government spending and policies hostile to energy independence, has hit families where it hurts most—at the grocery store, the gas pump, and in their paychecks.

According to the CBS poll, 48 percent of voters believe that food and grocery prices will rise even higher if Harris is elected, compared to 37 percent who think prices would climb under Trump.

The message is clear: voters trust Trump to fix the economic mess created by Biden and Harris. They know he’s a businessman who knows how to get things done. In contrast, Harris’s policies, which are just a continuation of Biden’s disastrous economic agenda, have been an utter failure.

Immigration and the crisis at the southern border have been defining issues throughout both the Trump and Biden administrations. Trump’s strong stance on border security, including building the wall and enforcing strict immigration laws, kept the border under control. Meanwhile, under Harris and Biden, illegal crossings have skyrocketed, cartels are thriving, and fentanyl is pouring into American communities.

The poll’s numbers on immigration are perhaps the most damning for Harris. A staggering 76 percent of voters who care about immigration favor Trump over Harris. Why? Because Trump has a proven track record of securing the border. Voters know Trump means business when he says he’ll protect American sovereignty and put an end to the disastrous “open borders” policy of the Biden-Harris administration.

While Trump dominates Harris on the economy, immigration, and inflation, the poll does show that Harris holds an edge over Trump on issues such as race and diversity, abortion, and the state of democracy. But that’s not where the average American is focused.

The CBS poll reveals that a majority of voters—86 percent—believe they know what Trump stands for. In contrast, only 64 percent can say the same about Harris.

Harris has spent most of her vice presidency evading responsibility, offering up word salads instead of concrete policy solutions, and clinging to the far-left ideology of the Democratic Party. Voters are starting to notice that Harris, like Biden, is out of touch with the real concerns of working-class Americans.

Despite the overwhelming lead Trump holds on the most important issues, the poll shows that Harris holds a narrow 3-point lead over Trump nationally, and the two are tied in battleground states. However, these numbers should be taken with a grain of salt.

Trump’s base is strong, and the enthusiasm for his return to office is undeniable. In contrast, Harris struggles with a lack of identity and low approval ratings. Even among Democrats, she has failed to inspire the kind of energy and passion that Trump does on the Republican side.

As we inch closer to the 2024 election, it’s clear that the American people are craving a return to strong leadership, economic prosperity, and secure borders—everything Trump’s presidency delivered and everything Harris’s would fail to achieve.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

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