Chuck Schumer is losing his mind after Tulsi Gabbard endorsed the Republican candidate in this critical battleground state

The trend in the 2022 midterm elections appears to have moved in favor of Republicans in recent weeks. Polls now predict that Republicans will retake the House majority and have a decent chance of retaking the Senate as well.

And Chuck Schumer is losing his mind after Tulsi Gabbard endorsed the Republican candidate in this critical battleground state.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) are defending razor-thin majorities in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Republicans just need to change one Senate seat and five House seats to depose Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer, thereby making Joe Biden a lame-duck President.

Democrats were hoping to give Schumer some insurance by flipping a seat previously held by Republicans in Ohio.

Prior to Donald Trump’s election, Ohio was one of the most important battleground states in the country.

Even though Ohio voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, Senator Schumer and Democrats believed Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH) had a real chance of winning the seat if they could persuade voters that he is a “moderate,” even though he voted with President Biden 100% of the time in Congress.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) recently waded into the debate, encouraging Republicans to vote for left-wing radical Tim Ryan on Tuesday, because Republican challenger J.D. Vance is a Trump-endorsed candidate.

But Vance recently received a major endorsement from the same former Democrat Presidential candidate who chastised Tim Ryan during the 2020 Presidential debates.

Tulsi Gabbard, former Hawaii congresswoman, and 2020 Democratic presidential contender, has announced her departure from the Democratic Party because it is “under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness.”

Gabbard also endorsed Republican J.D. Vance for U.S. Senate in Ohio in a tweet on Tuesday.

“Tim Ryan represents everything that is wrong with the warmongering Washington Establishment,” Gabbard tweeted. “I’m endorsing @JDVance1 because he knows the cost of war, and that our government exists to serve the people, not the other way around.”

Vance responded to Gabbard’s endorsement on Twitter with his own message.

“Grateful to have the support of the last person to clean Tim Ryan’s clock on the debate stage,” Vance wrote in response. “Thanks Tulsi! And thanks for putting country over Party.”

Vance is alluding to the 2019 Democratic Presidential Primary debate, in which Gabbard attacked Rep. Ryan for supporting the continued presence of US soldiers in Afghanistan indefinitely.

“We must have our State Department engaged, we must have our military engaged to the extent they need to be,” Ryan said during the debate.

“Is that what you will tell the parents of those two soldiers who were just killed in Afghanistan — ‘Well, we just have to be engaged?’” Gabbard retaliated.

Gabbard has always opposed an interventionist foreign policy of nation-building and world policing.

She has also been a staunch supporter of free expression in the face of Big Tech’s left-wing censorship regime.

Democrats are familiar with Gabbard from her presidential campaign.

In a campaign that is likely to be close, her endorsement could be enough to send J.D. Vance over the top and wreck Chuck Schumer’s chances.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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