CNN analyst makes shocking admission about Trump legal battles

The Radical Left has been lying about Trump for years. But now, they are starting to admit things.

And a CNN analyst has made a shocking admission about Trump’s legal battles.

Former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign faces a new, potentially fatal threat: a special counsel seemingly hell-bent on putting him behind bars before voters head to the polls.

CNN’s legal analyst Elie Honig paints a chilling picture of a justice system weaponized against Trump, with special counsel Jack Smith “racing against the clock” to secure a conviction that would derail his presidential bid.

Honig delves into Smith’s tactics, highlighting a series of unusual procedural maneuvers aimed at swift indictments and a lightning-fast trial.

Gone, allegedly, are the typical timelines for complex fraud and conspiracy cases – Trump faces trial dates months, even years, earlier than usual.

Smith’s recent appeal to the Supreme Court, bypassing lower courts in an unprecedented move, further fuels Honig’s suspicion of a politically motivated timeline.

“He’s the prosecutor,” Honig claims, “He wants this case to result in conviction. And so his position isn’t just, well, I want this case tried before the election. His position really as a practical matter is I want Donald Trump convicted before the election.”

Honig continues by admitting that Smith has crossed a line: “But the second part of that, before the election, that’s where it crosses the line to the political in my view.”

Trump, echoing this sentiment, views the indictments as nothing more than a blatant attempt to influence the 2024 election.

His multiple legal battles – stemming from the Mar-a-Lago documents case, the Jan. 6th Capitol riot investigation, and others – are a politically motivated witch hunt designed to sideline a formidable candidate.

While convictions wouldn’t automatically disqualify Trump from presidency, such a scenario would undoubtedly cast a long shadow over his campaign and likely cripple his chances of victory.

And this, Honig suggests, is precisely what Smith is aiming for.

Trump, for his part, seems unfazed by the legal onslaught.

Recent polls show him leading President Biden in key swing states, suggesting that public support remains strong despite the legal drama.

This apparent disconnect between the judicial and electoral spheres throws the 2024 race wide open, leaving both sides to grapple with the unprecedented situation.

With so much riding on the outcome of Trump’s legal battles, the coming months promise to be a gripping legal and political spectacle.

Will Smith succeed in his alleged “race against the clock,” or will Trump defy the odds and emerge victorious at the ballot box, leaving the special counsel’s efforts in tatters?

The fight against the Radical Left is heating up, and many American patriots believe that only Trump can save America.

The Radical Left is throwing everything they have at Trump, but he refuses to kneel to their radical agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

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