CNN turns its back on Harris after she makes this one embarrassing decision

Kamala Harris’ entire political career has been full of embarrassing moments. But this one might just take the cake.

And CNN has turned its back on Harris after she makes this one embarrassing decision.

As the 2024 presidential campaign heats up, Vice President Kamala Harris has once again proven she lacks the strength, confidence, and leadership skills necessary to be Commander-in-Chief. In a move that has sparked widespread criticism, Harris has chosen to bring along Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as an “emotional support” running mate for her first campaign interview since becoming the Democratic nominee. This unprecedented and troubling decision reveals a deep-seated insecurity and raises serious concerns about her ability to lead the nation.

CNN contributor Scott Jennings didn’t mince words when he called out Harris for needing a “security blanket” in the form of her running mate for a simple interview. Jennings, a seasoned political analyst, pointed out what many Americans are undoubtedly thinking: If Kamala Harris cannot even handle a basic media interview on her own, how can she be expected to handle the rigors of the presidency?

“Weak sauce for Kamala Harris to demand an emotional support animal for her first interview,” Jennings tweeted. “Shows an extreme lack of confidence.”

Indeed, this move underscores the growing perception that Harris is ill-prepared for the challenges of leading the free world. The fact that her campaign feels it necessary to prop her up with Governor Walz is not just a sign of weakness—it’s a glaring admission of her lack of political acumen and leadership ability.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper raised a critical point during his discussion with Jennings: “The line [is] now going to be, ‘Well, why isn’t she doing it by herself?’” This is a question that every voter should be asking.

After all, the presidency is not a job for someone who needs to rely on others to carry them through even the most basic tasks. If Harris cannot handle an interview without a co-pilot, what does that say about her decision-making abilities? How can she be trusted to make the tough calls that the leader of the free world must make daily?

Jennings hit the nail on the head when he said, “What kind of president would you be if this kind of a small-time decision—can we do an interview or not—what does that look like for your decision-making process?”

Harris’ reliance on Walz for support is a red flag, signaling that she lacks the confidence and independence needed to make critical decisions under pressure.

This isn’t the first time Harris has shown an unwillingness to face the public and the press head-on. Reports have surfaced that Harris’ campaign demanded a seated debate, with notes, for her upcoming confrontation with former President Donald Trump.

While the two campaigns eventually agreed to a standing, notes-free contest, the fact that Harris sought such accommodations is telling. It paints a picture of a candidate who is not only unprepared but also afraid to engage in a real, unscripted debate.

Moreover, Harris has limited her media interactions to friendly outlets, often insisting that her conversations remain off the record. This strategy of avoidance further exposes her inability to handle tough questions and face the scrutiny that comes with running for the highest office in the land. The American people deserve a leader who is transparent, confident, and capable of standing on their own two feet—not someone who hides behind a carefully controlled facade.

Former President Donald Trump has not held back in his criticism of Harris, and rightly so. At a recent rally in North Carolina, Trump pointed out that Harris has refused to do any interviews or press conferences for nearly 30 days.

“You know why she hasn’t done an interview? Because she’s not smart. She’s not intelligent,” Trump declared. While some may view Trump’s comments as harsh, they reflect a growing sentiment among many Americans: Kamala Harris is simply not up to the task of leading the nation.

Trump’s relentless campaign against Harris stands in stark contrast to her own campaign’s evasiveness. While Trump has never shied away from the media or the public, Harris has done everything in her power to avoid both. This stark difference in approach highlights the deep divide between a leader who is confident in his abilities and one who is clearly out of her depth.

Kamala Harris’ reliance on Governor Walz for support in her first major interview is just one more example of the radical left’s dangerous agenda. The Democratic Party, under Harris’ leadership, has embraced a philosophy that prioritizes identity politics, victimhood, and weakness over strength, independence, and the American spirit.

This is a party that has moved so far to the left that its leaders now believe it’s acceptable—necessary, even—for a presidential candidate to rely on others to do their job.

Harris’ weakness is a direct reflection of the broader problems within the Democratic Party. This is the same party that has pushed for defunding the police, opening the borders, and imposing socialism on the American people. It is a party that has lost touch with the values that have made America great—values like self-reliance, hard work, and individual responsibility.

The decision by Kamala Harris to bring along Governor Tim Walz as an “emotional support” running mate for her first campaign interview is a stark reminder of her inadequacies as a leader. It shows a troubling lack of confidence, raises serious questions about her decision-making abilities, and underscores the broader failings of the radical left’s agenda.

The American people deserve a president who is strong, independent, and capable of leading without relying on others to hold their hand. Kamala Harris has proven time and again that she is not that person. As the 2024 election approaches, voters must ask themselves: Do we want a leader who can stand on their own, or do we want someone who needs an “emotional support” running mate to get through an interview?

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