Democrat Governor slammed for career-ending lie

Democrats have been exposed for fraud numerous times. And yet, the American people refuse to call them out for their mistakes.

But finally, a Democrat governor has been slammed for their career-ending lie.

Former advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Israel has lashed out against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and called for her resignation.

Aryeh Lightstone served as a senior advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, from 2017 to 2021.

Now, Lightstone is attacking Governor Whitmer for her “fraudulent” response, claiming that she has “embarrassed herself” in her response to the terrorist attacks on Israel.

Whitmer made a post on the platform X that seemed to anger Lightstone and call for her resignation.

Whitmer stated in the post, “I have been in touch with communities impacted by what’s happening in the region. It is abhorrent. My heart is with all those impacted. We need peace in this region.”

Lightstone responded by saying, “I hosted you for Thanksgiving in Israel just a few years ago. I am embarrassed for you and by you & disappointed that I opened my home and my family to you.”

Lightstone elaborated further saying that “The job of a leader is to know the difference between right and wrong. The job of a politician is apparently to say nothing, and she demonstrated that she’s a politician.”

He continued, “She watched this happen in real time. And to watch women and children be kidnapped and raped and murdered, and to not be able to say something? She should resign immediately.”

Lightstone seemed to be personally offended and hurt because he hosted Whitmer and 25 other Michigan residents for Thanksgiving in Israel during their visit.

Following the public pushback, Whitmer made another post in which she seemed to speak out in support of Israel.

However, Lighstone seems to think she only made the follow-up post because she was “embarrassed for herself.”

Lighstone said, “There’s only two sides of this. There’s a right side and a wrong side. She chose the wrong side.”

He elaborated saying, “I don’t think she’s a bad person. I just think she’s a politician.”

This situation has further exposed Democrat leadership that is so focused on politics and not upsetting anyone instead of taking care of their communities and friends.

Whitmer is just another Democrat leader who will say whatever she can to get re-elected so she can continue pushing her radical agenda.

This should be a warning to all Americans: politicians will say whatever they can to get support from people.

Democrat politicians are corrupt and they are going to lie to the American people and deceive whoever just to paint themselves in the best light to get re-elected.

America deserves better than that. America deserves leaders with strong morals and strong policies that will be strong leaders… not ones that refuse to say anything at all just so that they do not upset their voters.

Americans need to hold our elected officials responsible for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the left refuses to.

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