Democrat official announces outrageous plan to change the Second Amendment forever

Democrat leaders have never cared much for the Constitution. But many think that this has taken it a step too far.

And the Democrat official announces outrageous plan to change the Second Amendment forever.

St. Louis mayor Tishaura Jones took it a step too far when she announced her plan to ban certain guns within city limits.

Jones plans to ban AR-15s, AK-47s, and other guns inside the St. Louis city limits.

She also announced that extreme regulations on gun kits were parts of the bill as well.

She said, “We’re ready to fight like hell at the local level to prevent gun violence, protect our babies, and to keep our communities safe.”

Thankfully, Jones faces extreme backlash from other key figures in Missouri.

Attorney General Andrew Bailey has made it clear that he intends to fight against “any effort to infringe on the right of the people of Missouri to keep and bear arms.”

Senator Bill Eigel has also condemned Mrs. Jones’ actions saying, “I condemn these unconstitutional attacks on the right to bear arms in St. Louis City by the radical, leftist Mayor Tishaura Jones. Mayor Jones and the Democrat Party dynasty that has been in power for a generation in St. Louis City is proposing defunding and abandoning police, grabbing guns from lawful citizens, and making it a crime to have views that oppose her own.”

Not only is Mayor Jones proposing something absurd, but it also goes directly against the constitution and against her state’s rights.

Any attempt to infringe on the people’s right to bear arms is illegal.

Eigel, who is also a contender for the governor position, also added, ““I have always been a staunch defender of the People’s right to bear arms and against precisely the sort of local government tyranny that Mayor Jones is publicly embracing with this announcement. I will continue to stand in the way of these bad policy ideas anywhere they rear their ugly head within the borders of the Show-Me State. Let’s go, Missouri!”

Mayor Jones’ plans comes during a time when the gun control issue is extremely important in politics.

Both sides of the political spectrum have very strong opinions on gun control.

The extreme left believes that no one should have guns, and that the only way to stop death is by banning all guns.

Unfortunately for them, this idea has been disproved countless times.

In other areas where gun control is extreme, such as Chicago, the gun

violence is at an all-time high.

Mayor Jones would be doing nothing to “protect our babies” or “keep our communities safe.”

Instead, all she would be doing is removing rights from those who wish to protect themselves and their families and allowing criminals to remain unchecked.

Not only are her proposed policies dangerous, they are also very illegal.

And thankfully, the state’s levelheaded politicians have made it clear that they will not allow her plans to unfurl.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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