Democrat Senator betrays his party and threatens a massive subpoena

The media wants to convince us that the Democrat party is unified against Trump. But that is simply not the case.

And a Democrat Senator has betrayed his party and threatened a massive subpoena.

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) has threatened to use his committee’s subpoena power to force the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to comply with an investigation into two recent assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump.

As chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), Blumenthal has taken an unusually aggressive stance against a department operating under the Biden-Harris administration, accusing DHS of “stonewalling” and failing to provide critical information needed to fully understand the failures that allowed these attempts on Trump’s life.

The two assassination attempts—just weeks apart—have not only shaken the political world but also revealed disturbing lapses in security protocols. These failures, combined with the DHS’s refusal to cooperate fully with the investigation, have raised serious concerns about the department’s commitment to transparency and the protection of high-profile political figures like Trump, who remains a leading candidate for the Republican nomination in 2024.

On July 13, a gunman’s bullet grazed Trump’s ear during a public appearance, narrowly missing the back of his head. While the Secret Service acted quickly to neutralize the threat, questions immediately arose about how the gunman had been able to get so close to the former president in the first place.

Just two months later, a second attempt on Trump’s life took place on September 15. Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58-year-old Democratic activist, was arrested after attempting to assassinate Trump with an AK-style firearm. Reports indicate that Routh had been camping near Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course for 12 hours, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

This second attempt raised even more questions about the competence of the Secret Service and DHS in protecting a former president who remains a central figure in American politics.

Both attempts have sparked outrage, not just among Trump supporters but across the political spectrum. Even Blumenthal, a Democrat who often clashed with Trump during his presidency, expressed frustration with the apparent lapses in security and the DHS’s lack of cooperation with his committee’s investigation.

In a rare move for a Democratic senator, Blumenthal has openly criticized the DHS, accusing the department of dragging its feet and withholding key information from his committee.

Speaking on Monday, Blumenthal described the DHS’s behavior as “almost derelict in its duty by resisting our requests for documents, evidence, and information that are necessary to investigate.”

Blumenthal’s frustration with the Biden-Harris administration is palpable. As the senior Democrat leading the probe, he has repeatedly asked for documentation and cooperation from DHS, yet has been met with delay tactics and excuses. His calls for transparency have been brushed off, and it’s clear that the senator is losing patience.

“We may need to require more cooperation from them. And we have the power to do so through the compulsory process. In other words, the subpoena power,” Blumenthal warned. His remarks came just days after he said that the DHS’s refusal to be forthcoming was not only an affront to his committee but to the American people, who deserve answers about how such high-profile security breaches were allowed to occur.

The fact that a senior Democrat is threatening to subpoena a department run by his own party’s administration is nothing short of extraordinary. It reveals just how serious the situation has become, and how deep the divide between political factions has grown, even within the Democratic Party.

For Blumenthal to take such a public stance against the Biden-Harris DHS suggests that the stonewalling is more than just bureaucratic inefficiency—it may be a deliberate attempt to avoid accountability.

Blumenthal has already hinted that his committee’s report on the first assassination attempt will be both shocking and appalling. He told Fox News, “I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished, and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on the former president.”

This is a stunning statement from a senior senator, especially one who is not known for being friendly toward Trump. It underscores just how grave the security lapses were and raises the possibility that the failures weren’t just isolated incidents but symptoms of deeper, systemic problems within the agencies responsible for protecting high-profile political figures.

The DHS and Secret Service have long been considered pillars of national security, entrusted with protecting current and former presidents from harm. Yet, under the current administration, those agencies appear to have failed miserably in their duties.

How could a gunman get close enough to the former president to graze his ear with a bullet? How could a political activist, armed with an assault rifle, camp near Trump’s golf course for hours without being detected?

These questions demand answers. But instead of cooperating fully with the investigation, the DHS has chosen to stonewall, offering only partial information and delaying the process at every turn.

Blumenthal’s frustration is understandable. He’s leading a probe that could reveal profound weaknesses in the nation’s security apparatus, and yet the very agency responsible for those failures is refusing to be transparent. This is a national security issue, plain and simple. If the DHS can’t protect a former president, who can they protect?

The refusal of the DHS to fully cooperate with the investigation raises a disturbing question: Is the Biden-Harris administration more interested in protecting itself than protecting the former president?

Trump is not just any former president—he’s the frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2024, and his continued political relevance makes him a target for both political and physical attacks.

While Blumenthal’s investigation focuses on security failures, the political implications cannot be ignored. The Biden-Harris administration has been relentless in its attacks on Trump, both politically and through various legal channels. Could their reluctance to cooperate with the investigation into the assassination attempts be part of a broader strategy to weaken Trump’s chances in 2024?

It’s a disturbing thought, but one that cannot be ruled out. After all, this is the same administration that has used every tool at its disposal to undermine Trump’s political career. From the multiple investigations and indictments to the non-stop negative media coverage, it’s clear that the Biden-Harris team sees Trump as their primary political opponent. Could the stonewalling by the DHS be part of that effort?

Blumenthal’s threat to use subpoena power is a sign that he’s not willing to let this issue go. The American people deserve to know the truth about what happened during the two assassination attempts on Trump’s life, and why the agencies tasked with protecting him failed so spectacularly.

If Blumenthal follows through on his threat, it could force the DHS to finally provide the information that has been so sorely lacking. But even if the DHS is compelled to cooperate, the damage has already been done. The stonewalling has cast a shadow over the Biden-Harris administration and raised serious doubts about their commitment to transparency and accountability.

At the end of the day, this isn’t just about Trump—it’s about the integrity of our national security apparatus. If the DHS can’t be trusted to protect a former president, what does that say about their ability to protect the nation?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

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