Donald Trump is in shellshock after being betrayed by this close ally

Donald Trump’s campaign for 2024 is not off to the start that many people had hoped for. So far, Trump has done very little to stand out.

And Donald Trump is in shellshock after being betrayed by this close ally.

Trump supporters could not believe that he sat for an interview with left-wing New York Magazine reporter Oliva Nuzzi so she could write a hit piece attacking his campaign as a “sad, lonely, thirsty, broken, basically pretend run for reelection.”

One of Trump’s advisors told Nuzzi, “The magic is gone.”

“It’s not there. In this business, you can have it and have it so hot and it can go overnight and it’s gone and you can’t get it back,” the advisor told Nuzzi.

“I think we’re just seeing it’s gone. The magic is gone,” the advisor added.

Nuzzi later told CNN that Trump’s campaign is built around his personality, so if his “magic” is gone, it will be hard for it to succeed.

“That was an advisor speaking to me saying that the magic is gone and this person was not sure that Trump would be able to get it back,” Nuzzi stated.

“That’s sort of the difficult thing about a campaign that is really about a personality. Even if it were to be run in a really common sense way, would it really matter if the personality that it was built around is not really on his game?” Nuzzi added.

Trump was very angry about the article and the comments in his Truth Social post that followed.

“The Fake & Corrupt News is only getting worse! As an example, I agreed to do a short telephone interview for a once very good, but now on its ‘last legs’ and failing, New York Magazine,” Trump wrote.

“The reporter was a shaky & unattractive wack job, known as ‘tough’ but dumb as a rock, who actually wrote a decent story about me a long time ago,” Trump added.

Trump then said that Nuzzi’s claim that Trump’s “magic is gone” was based on anonymous sources, which Trump said did not exist.

“Her name, Olivia Nuzzi. Anyway, the story was Fake News, her ‘anonymous sources’ don’t exist (true with many writers), and I’m happily fighting hard for our GREAT USA!” Trump went on.

One of Donald Trump’s strengths as a politician is that he is able to control the media.

But Trump’s desire to spread his message far and wide has left him open to attacks from hostile left-wing hacks like Olivia Nuzzi.

With two years left until the 2024 presidential election, we’ll see how the strategy works out for the former president.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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