George Soros caught funding terrorist groups and the implications are severe

George Soros has funded countless questionable groups in his time, some worse than others. But now this recent news has shocked many.

Because George Soros has been caught funding terrorist groups, and the implications are severe.

George Soros has always backed groups that would concern many American patriots, and his effort to take over the world has also seen him control many of the media outlets too.

But this most recent discovery is worse than the rest because it has been discovered that Soros is heavily funding terrorist groups.

A new report has shown that George Soros has funneled in more than $15 million over seven years to pro-Hamas groups… the same groups behind the terrorist sympathy protests since the October 7 attack.

The radical billionaire’s grantmaking network, The Open Society, has sent $13.7 million through “Tides Center” which the New York Post reveals as a “deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks.”

One beneficiary of the Tides Center is the Adalah Justice Project which advertises that they are a “Palestinian-led advocacy organization based in the U.S. that builds cross-movement coalitions to achieve collective liberation.”

Their website states: “Our work is rooted in the conviction that drawing the linkages between US policy abroad and repressive state practices at home is crucial to shifting the balance of power.”

They have also harassed many different politicians who have refused to support Hamas and call for a cease-fire.

They “confronted” Democrat Representative Ro Khanna in order to pressure him into signing a ceasefire and then posted about the exchange on Twitter.

Members of the “Adalah Justice Project” also attended a rally in New York that day where the Post reported “hostile demonstrators spewed anti-Semitic chants.”

A spokesperson for Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, said that Soros’s foundation “has been generously supporting our work on defending the human rights of Palestinians under Israeli control for many years, and we are grateful for their immense contribution to this effort.”

Soros has also funded the NYC South Asian immigrant group Desis Rising Up and Moving, which has also sponsored pro-terror rallies.

Breitbart reports that “Other Soros-backed Hamas-sympathizing groups include Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, which were given $650,000 and $400,000, respectively. Both groups were also cosponsors of the Bryant Park rally, and both had members who were among the “insurrectionists” occupying the U.S. Capitol on October 18.”

Forbes reported that “the progressive philanthropist has distributed more than $15 billion to nonprofits through his Open Society Foundations, which he founded in 1993.”

The billionaire Soros has been backing questionable and concerning groups for a long time, but now his support of pro-terrorism groups should have everyone concerned.

The American people need to wake up and realize what is going on and that their media is being controlled by the Radical Left.

The Radical Left is controlling the narrative and flooding the media with propaganda and pushing their harmful agenda.

It is time for us to take the power back and hold our officials accountable for allowing these sorts of things to happen.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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