Harris just exposed herself when approached by a reporter on campaign trip

Kamala Harris is a disgrace, and her campaign has been a joke. But things just took a shocking turn.

Because Harris just exposed herself when approached by a reporter on a recent campaign trip.

On Sunday, Kamala Harris toured western Pennsylvania on her campaign bus, giving staged smiles and photo-ops while she searched for Doritos at a Sheetz. During the tour, she briefly entertained a few press questions, providing another glimpse into her ill-fated fiscal plans for America—plans that would further cripple an already fragile economy.

Her stop served as yet another example of just how out of touch she is with the reality of what Americans are facing.

In an attempt to justify her latest economic policies, Harris stammered through a bizarre and incoherent answer that exposed her lack of understanding of basic economics.

When asked by a reporter how she planned to pay for her proposed initiatives, which include fixing prices for goods, federally regulating housing, and spending trillions on social programs, Harris gave a nonsensical response about children. Yes, children. As if that alone could explain away the $1.7 trillion her proposals would add to the national debt.

It’s no surprise that Harris would attempt to change the narrative around her economic policies by invoking children. After all, her record is abysmal when it comes to actually supporting them.

In 2017, she voted against President Trump’s child tax credit expansion, a move that would have provided immediate relief to millions of American families. Yet now, conveniently after Trump and Senator JD Vance have vowed to bring back that popular policy, Harris has suddenly had a change of heart. Now, she’s promising to extend the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and reintroduce a $6,000 child tax credit for a child’s first year of life.

While she boasts that the “return on investment” from these tax credits will somehow magically pay for itself, the reality is far less rosy. What Harris fails to mention is that every dollar the government spends on these programs comes from somewhere—either increased taxes or more borrowing.

The federal government cannot continue to print money to fund giveaways without dire consequences, such as higher inflation and the eventual collapse of the dollar.

Harris loves to point out that under the first year of the Biden-Harris administration, child poverty was reduced by 50 percent, but she conveniently leaves out the context. That brief reduction was the result of massive government handouts, which created dependency rather than opportunity.

Now, she’s doubling down on that same failed strategy, claiming that the child tax credit and EITC are a panacea for all economic woes. But what happens after that first year? Harris has no answer for that, just more pie-in-the-sky rhetoric.

Perhaps the most jaw-dropping element of Harris’s economic fantasyland is her plan to build 3 million new homes during her first 100 days in office. That’s right, she believes that in just over three months, the federal government can crank out millions of homes, all while providing $25,000 in downpayment assistance to first-time buyers. Harris glosses over the logistics of this plan, and of course, she can’t explain where the money is going to come from to fund it.

In her mind, it’s all justified because, as she said, “When we increase homeownership in America, what that means in terms of increasing the tax base, not to mention property tax base, what that does to fund schools, again: return on investment.”

This kind of vague rhetoric is typical of Harris, who throws around buzzwords like “return on investment” without understanding the real economic consequences of her policies.

But let’s be clear: there is no magical “return on investment” here. Building 3 million homes out of thin air is a logistical and fiscal nightmare. It would require billions, if not trillions, of dollars in taxpayer money.

And what’s worse, artificially boosting homeownership through government subsidies only creates a housing bubble, just as we saw in the 2008 financial crisis. When that bubble bursts, it will be ordinary Americans—not Harris and her elite cronies—who are left to pick up the pieces.

Harris’s plan to increase corporate taxes is yet another example of her economic ignorance. Under President Trump, corporate taxes were cut, unleashing a wave of investment and job creation that benefited millions of Americans. But Harris wants to undo all that progress by hiking taxes on businesses, falsely believing that corporations will simply absorb the costs.

In reality, these increased taxes will either be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices or result in layoffs and reduced hiring. Companies are not charities—they exist to make a profit. When the government imposes punitive taxes, it stifles innovation, kills jobs, and drives investment overseas.

Her claim that taxing the wealthy will fund her plans is equally naive. The rich are not a bottomless pit of money to be plundered. High earners often have the means to shelter their wealth or simply move it abroad. Harris’s tax hikes will only shrink the economy further, leaving middle-class Americans to bear the brunt of the costs.

Even liberal economists like Jason Furman, who served under the Obama administration, are sounding the alarm. Furman has warned that Harris’s policies could lead to “bigger shortages, less supply, and ultimately risk higher prices and worse outcomes for consumers.” Yet Harris presses on, convinced that her reckless spending and tax plans will somehow “pay for themselves.”

Kamala Harris’s fiscal policies are a train wreck waiting to happen. Her $1.7 trillion spending spree, coupled with her incoherent answers about how to pay for it all, demonstrates just how unqualified she is to lead this country.

If allowed to implement these disastrous plans, Harris will take an already struggling economy and drive it further into the ground.

America cannot afford more of the same reckless spending and misguided policies that have already led to inflation, rising interest rates, and shrinking paychecks. Kamala Harris may talk a good game about “return on investment,” but the only thing her presidency would guarantee is more debt, fewer jobs, and a lower standard of living for all Americans.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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