Harris promises the exact opposite of past comments in a recent interview

Kamala Harris is a slimy politician. She will say whatever it takes to get elected.

And Harris has promised the exact opposite of past comments in a recent interview.

In a recent interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Vice President Kamala Harris made a bold claim, stating that if elected president, she would enforce immigration laws and be tough on illegal immigration. Harris’s comments came at a time when illegal immigration has surged to record levels under the Biden-Harris administration, leading many Americans to question her sincerity and commitment to addressing this critical issue.

During the interview, Harris asserted, “I believe there should be consequence – we have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. I’m the only person in this race who actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws. And I would enforce our laws as president going forward.”

But can we trust these words? Harris’s track record suggests otherwise. Her statement appears to be yet another example of her political opportunism, designed to appeal to voters concerned about the ongoing border crisis.

However, her past actions and rhetoric paint a very different picture—one of inconsistency, pandering to the far-left, and a lack of genuine commitment to securing our borders.

Harris’s history on immigration is riddled with contradictions. Back in 2019, during a CDP/Univision forum when she was running for president, Harris criticized former President Barack Obama for deporting three million illegal immigrants, calling it “wrong.”

This stance is a far cry from the tough-on-immigration persona she’s now trying to project. It’s clear that Harris has flip-flopped on the issue of immigration enforcement whenever it suits her political ambitions.

One of the most telling examples of Harris’s true stance on immigration enforcement came during her tenure as California’s attorney general. Harris bragged about how she instructed sheriffs and district attorneys in California to ignore Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers placed on dangerous illegal immigrants.

“And I actually, as attorney general, um, informed California law enforcement that ICE detainers are not mandatory,” Harris said. “I disagreed with it and that’s why I issued that policy for the sheriff’s and the district attorneys of California telling them that these were not mandatory.”

This policy effectively allowed dangerous criminals to remain in the United States, undermining federal immigration laws and putting American citizens at risk. It’s a stark contrast to the image Harris is now trying to project as someone who would enforce the law if elected president.

Harris’s hypocrisy doesn’t end there. In 2017, she posted on social media, declaring that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”

This statement is still visible on her X (formerly Twitter) account, serving as a reminder of her true beliefs on illegal immigration. How can Americans trust her to enforce immigration laws when she doesn’t even view illegal immigration as a criminal act?

During the CNN interview, Harris also claimed that her task of addressing the “root causes” of immigration brought “a number of benefits,” including a reduction in unlawful border crossings. However, this assertion is highly misleading.

A former Homeland Security official has attributed any reduction in crossings not to Harris’s efforts but to external factors such as extreme heat and the creation of programs that mask the real number of illegal immigrants entering the United States.

The Biden-Harris administration’s approach to illegal immigration has been nothing short of disastrous. Since taking office, more than 9.5 million nationwide encounters have been recorded, and about 1.7 million illegal immigrants have successfully evaded border patrol and snuck into the country. These staggering numbers are a direct result of the administration’s lax policies and refusal to take meaningful action to secure the border.

Biden, with no pushback from Harris, has halted construction of the border wall, a critical component of border security initiated by former President Donald Trump. The administration also ended Trump’s highly effective “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims were processed. These decisions have only emboldened illegal immigrants and human traffickers, leading to the current crisis at our southern border.

Moreover, the administration canceled more than 350,000 asylum cases, effectively allowing illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. indefinitely. This leniency sends a dangerous message to those seeking to enter the country illegally: America’s borders are open, and there will be no consequences for breaking our laws.

Kamala Harris’s latest statements on illegal immigration are nothing more than empty rhetoric. She has proven time and again that she lacks the conviction and resolve needed to tackle this issue head-on. Instead, she has consistently pandered to the far-left, prioritizing their radical agenda over the safety and security of the American people.

Harris’s willingness to flip-flop on key issues like immigration enforcement reveals her as a politician who is more concerned with advancing her career than with doing what is right for the country. As attorney general of California, she had the opportunity to enforce immigration laws and protect American citizens from dangerous criminals, but she chose to do the opposite.

Now, as vice president, she has stood by while illegal immigration has surged to unprecedented levels, costing taxpayers billions of dollars and putting American lives at risk.

Kamala Harris’s record on immigration is one of failure, inconsistency, and hypocrisy. Her recent claims that she would enforce immigration laws if elected president are nothing more than a desperate attempt to salvage her political career.

As the 2024 election approaches, it’s essential to remember Harris’s true record on immigration. She is not the tough-on-crime leader she claims to be but a politician who has consistently undermined immigration enforcement and put American lives at risk.

The Biden-Harris administration’s failure to address the border crisis is a clear indication of what we can expect if Harris were ever to ascend to the presidency: more chaos, more crime, and more broken promises. America deserves better.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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