Harris slammed for her recent anti-US troops comments

Harris and the Radical Left seem to have no care for our troops. But now she is facing severe repercussions.

Because Harris has been slammed for her recent anti-US troops rhetoric.

Once again, Vice President Kamala Harris has proven she is not fit to lead, especially when it comes to matters involving the brave men and women of our military.

During a recent presidential debate, Harris made an outrageous and demonstrably false claim that “as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world.” This bold-faced lie not only disrespects the sacrifices of our service members but also highlights her deep disconnect with the realities on the ground.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), a U.S. Army combat veteran and a staunch advocate for our troops, swiftly and rightly condemned Harris’s deceitful rhetoric. Cotton didn’t hold back, stating that Harris’s claim “would come as a surprise to the thousands of troops we still have in places like Iraq and Syria that are getting repeatedly hit by mortars and drones.”

He went on to slam the Biden-Harris administration for emboldening the enemies of freedom and turning their backs on the service members who put their lives on the line every day to keep America safe.

Harris’s attempt to paint a rosy picture of global peace, falsely claiming no American troops are in combat zones, is a direct insult to the 3,000 U.S. soldiers currently stationed in Iraq and Syria, fighting against the remnants of ISIS and battling Iranian-backed terrorist groups.

These troops have faced over 200 attacks since Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7, with mortars, drones, and missiles threatening their safety. Just last year, three U.S. soldiers lost their lives as a result of these hostile actions. Does Kamala Harris think their sacrifice doesn’t matter?

It seems that Harris’s focus is more on political maneuvering than on ensuring the safety and well-being of those who serve under her administration’s watch. Rather than acknowledging the challenges our troops face in combat zones, she has chosen to ignore their sacrifices in favor of crafting a false narrative to suit her political ambitions.

This should come as no surprise—after all, Harris and the Biden administration have spent four years appeasing regimes like Iran, emboldening those who seek to harm America and our allies.

Cotton rightly pointed out that the Biden-Harris administration has turned a blind eye to the very real threats facing American troops abroad. Iranian-backed terrorists continue to pose a significant danger to our soldiers in the Middle East, but instead of confronting these threats head-on, Harris and Biden have pursued a path of appeasement.

Shortly after taking office, they removed the Iranian-backed Houthis from the U.S. terrorist list—an action that emboldened the very rebels who now launch missile attacks at American sailors in the Red Sea.

This failed foreign policy approach is a stark contrast to the decisive leadership of President Donald Trump, who took a firm stance against Iran and its proxies. Trump designated the Houthis as terrorists, recognizing the threat they pose not only to regional stability but also to American forces and interests abroad. By reversing Trump’s strong policies, Harris and Biden have made the world more dangerous for our troops.

Harris’s lie during the debate is just another example of how she and the Biden administration refuse to take responsibility for their failures. In her eagerness to claim a non-existent victory, Harris ignored the ongoing risks faced by American service members deployed in dangerous regions.

As Sen. Cotton noted, Harris’s lie “would probably come as a surprise to all of the sailors we have in the Red Sea,” who face daily threats from missiles and drones fired by Iranian-backed groups like the Houthis.

The Biden-Harris administration’s inaction and lack of accountability have led to a deteriorating situation in the Middle East. Despite the clear and present danger to American troops, Harris would rather sweep it under the rug than confront the problem head-on.

Her claim during the debate was not only false but also dangerously misleading, sending a signal to our adversaries that this administration is more interested in political spin than in ensuring the safety and success of our military.

At the end of the day, Kamala Harris’s blatant disregard for the facts and her unwillingness to stand by our troops disqualify her from being Commander-in-Chief. Our troops deserve a leader who respects their sacrifices and understands the challenges they face. They need someone who is willing to stand up to America’s enemies and make the tough decisions necessary to keep them safe. Kamala Harris has shown time and again that she is not that leader.

Her dishonesty about the state of our military commitments is more than just a political misstep—it’s a reflection of her dangerous worldview. Harris’s leadership would continue to weaken America on the global stage, embolden our adversaries, and undermine the very men and women who defend our freedoms.

Sen. Cotton’s condemnation of Harris was not just warranted—it was necessary. Harris’s inability to grasp the seriousness of the ongoing threats to our troops should alarm every American. If she is willing to lie about something as important as the safety of our military personnel, what else is she willing to deceive the American people about?

The brave men and women of our armed forces deserve a leader who will fight for them—not lie about the dangers they face. Kamala Harris’s false claim that no American troops are in combat zones is a slap in the face to every service member currently deployed in harm’s way. Our troops continue to face real threats from Iranian-backed terrorists and other hostile forces, yet Harris remains oblivious, pushing a false narrative to further her political career.

America needs a leader who will stand with our troops, not one who dismisses their sacrifices. Kamala Harris has proven time and again that she is unfit to lead our military. Her false statements, weak foreign policy, and lack of accountability make her a danger to our national security.

We need leaders who respect the truth, honor the sacrifices of our troops, and are willing to take the necessary steps to keep America safe. Kamala Harris is not that leader, and her dishonesty should disqualify her from ever holding the position of Commander-in-Chief.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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