Horrific secret revealed about former Secret Service head’s past

Ever since the attempt on Trump’s life, the Secret Service has come under mass scrutiny. But no one could have been prepared for what was discovered.

Because a horrific secret has been revealed about the former Secret Service head’s past.

it has been revealed that former US Secret Service (USSS) head Kimberly Cheatle, along with other top officials in the Biden administration, sought to destroy a bag of cocaine found in the White House during President Joe Biden’s third year in office.

This information comes from a new report following Cheatle’s resignation after security failures led to an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Three sources within the Secret Service community told Real Clear Politics that Cheatle and other top agency officials wanted to get rid of the cocaine when it was discovered.

However, members of the USSS Forensics and Uniformed Divisions resisted these efforts, refusing to participate in the destruction of the illicit drugs.

The bag of cocaine was found on a Sunday in early July 2023, while President Joe Biden and his family were at Camp David. Multiple disagreements reportedly took place over how to handle the discovery.

When a Uniformed Division officer, who was assigned to the case, attempted to treat it with crime scene protocol, he informed his supervisors, including Cheatle and now-acting USSS Director Ron Rowe. Subsequently, he was removed from the assignment.

While neither Joe Biden nor his son Hunter were at the White House when the cocaine was found, the incident followed a period during which Hunter Biden, known for his long-standing struggle with cocaine addiction, had been staying at the White House.

This connection prompted many Americans to speculate that the bag of cocaine might belong to Hunter.

Cheatle was reportedly concerned about the media storm that the discovery would create around the Biden administration. The USSS issued a press statement at the time, claiming, “There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area.”

An official stated that it would be nearly impossible to determine the original owner of the drugs, given the high traffic in the area where they were found—the West Exec basement entryway of the West Wing.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre disclosed during a briefing that the cocaine had been found in a heavily trafficked area frequented by politicians, their families, staff, and tourists alike.

The lack of accountability and transparency in this incident raises serious concerns about the integrity and priorities of the Biden administration.

The attempts by Cheatle and others to cover up the discovery of cocaine in the White House reflect a troubling pattern of behavior that seems aimed at protecting the Biden family’s image rather than upholding the rule of law.

Cheatle’s resignation, following the security failures that led to an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, adds another layer of concern.

The former president’s safety was compromised, and the ensuing attempt to cover up a drug scandal within the Biden White House further erodes public trust in the Secret Service and the current administration.

For many, this incident is a glaring example of the double standards that seem to favor the Bidens. If a similar scandal had occurred during the Trump administration, the media and political opponents would have likely called for immediate investigations and accountability.

The attempts to brush this incident under the rug are viewed as an effort to shield the Biden family from scrutiny and maintain a facade of propriety.

The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their leaders and the institutions that serve them. The Secret Service’s integrity has been called into question, and the Biden administration’s attempts to cover up the cocaine discovery cannot be ignored.

It is essential to demand a thorough investigation into this incident to ensure that those in power are held accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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