Joe Biden spread horrific lies about Trump during DNC speech and Americans are stunned

The Radical Left loves to spread fake news. And this time, they crossed a major line.

Because Joe Biden spread horrific lies about Trump during his recent DNC speech.

President Joe Biden’s keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Monday night marked a unique and ironic conclusion to a political career that spanned five decades.

Yet, the event was less a celebration of Biden’s achievements and more a thinly veiled effort to quietly usher him out the door while simultaneously propping up Kamala Harris as the future of the Democratic Party. The night was riddled with falsehoods, revisionist history, and a desperate attempt to rewrite the narrative of Biden’s presidency.

For months, it has been clear that Democrats were uneasy about Biden’s prospects for 2024. His dismal performance in the June 27th debate against President Donald Trump only solidified their fears. The same party that once heralded Biden as a savior has since been quietly working behind the scenes to push him off the ticket.

Monday night’s convention was the culmination of these efforts, with speaker after speaker looking past Biden and proclaiming Kamala Harris as the new leader of the Democratic Party.

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, who refused to condemn the Democratic Party’s attempts to force Biden out, encapsulated the party’s betrayal. Despite millions of Americans voting for Biden in 2020, the Democrats have chosen to disregard their voices in favor of a handpicked successor.

This is not the action of a party that values democracy; it is the behavior of a party that seeks to consolidate power at any cost.

Biden’s speech was filled with the kind of falsehoods and exaggerations that have become all too common during his presidency. As he spoke, it became clear that the Democrats were more interested in painting a rosy picture of the past four years than in confronting the harsh realities of Biden’s failed policies.

Biden claimed that his administration had presided over “one of the most extraordinary four years of progress ever, period.” He cited supposed achievements like the addition of 16 million jobs, record small business growth, and a thriving stock market. But the reality on the ground tells a different story.

The so-called economic recovery has been uneven at best, with inflation eroding the purchasing power of working Americans and the stock market experiencing volatility that has left many retirees in a precarious position.

Perhaps the most egregious of Biden’s claims was that “wages are up, inflation is down, way down,” and that the wealth gap has narrowed. In truth, inflation remains a significant concern for most Americans, with prices for essentials like food and gas still far higher than they were before Biden took office. The wealth gap has only widened under his administration, as his policies have disproportionately harmed the middle class while benefiting the wealthiest Americans.

Biden also falsely claimed that “we finally beat Big Pharma,” despite the fact that his administration has done little to rein in the exorbitant costs of prescription drugs. This is yet another example of the empty promises that have characterized his time in office.

In one of the most ironic moments of the night, Biden declared that “democracy has prevailed” and “delivered,” even as the Democratic Party was actively ignoring the will of the voters by pushing him aside in favor of Kamala Harris. The hypocrisy was palpable. The Democrats claim to champion democracy, yet they are more than willing to subvert it when it suits their purposes.

Biden’s assertion that “there is no place in America for political violence” was a direct reference to the events of January 6th, 2021, but it conveniently ignored the political violence that has erupted in cities across America under his watch.

From Portland to Kenosha, Democrat-led cities have been plagued by riots and unrest, yet Biden and his party have done little to address the root causes of this violence.

The most glaring irony, however, was Biden’s insistence that “democracy has prevailed” even as Kamala Harris, a vice president who was not elected by the people, is now being positioned as the next president.

Harris was chosen by Biden as his running mate in 2020, not by the voters. Now, as Biden steps aside, the Democratic Party is effectively appointing her as the future leader of the nation without giving the American people a say in the matter. This is not democracy; it is the antithesis of it.

As expected, Biden took several jabs at President Trump during his speech, but these attacks were largely baseless and served only to highlight Biden’s desperation. Biden called Trump a “loser” and accused him of spreading a “message around the world” that America is a failing nation. But the truth is that under Biden’s leadership, America has become weaker on the global stage, with adversaries like China and Russia growing bolder by the day.

Biden’s claim that violent crime has dropped to “the lowest level in more than 50 years” is patently false. In reality, violent crime has surged in many parts of the country, particularly in cities governed by Democrats.

Biden’s assertion that the murder rate is “falling faster than any time in history” is equally dubious, as crime data from across the country tells a different story.

Biden also attempted to pin the blame for the ongoing border crisis on Trump, claiming that Trump “killed the strongest bipartisan border deal in the history of the United States.” This is a blatant distortion of the facts.

The truth is that Biden’s own policies have exacerbated the crisis at the southern border, leading to record-high numbers of illegal immigrants crossing into the country. His belated executive action on the border is too little, too late, and does nothing to address the root causes of the crisis.

The Democratic National Convention was a masterclass in hypocrisy. The same party that once lauded Biden as the savior of the nation is now discarding him in favor of Kamala Harris, all while claiming that democracy has prevailed. The irony is lost on no one, and it serves as a stark reminder of the Democrats’ true priorities: power and control.

As Biden took his final bow, it was clear that his speech was less a celebration of his presidency and more a desperate attempt to rewrite history. The Democrats may have succeeded in pushing Biden out, but they cannot erase the failures of his administration.

The American people are not fooled by the falsehoods and fearmongering that have become the hallmark of the Biden presidency.

The 2024 election will be a referendum on the Democrats’ failed policies and their disregard for the will of the people. As the American people look ahead to the next chapter in our nation’s history, they must ask themselves whether they want to continue down the path of failed leadership and hypocrisy, or whether they are ready to return to the strong, principled leadership that President Trump represents.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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