Kamala Harris has once again proven her hatred for America in a new move

Harris and the Radical Left don’t care about America. But no one expected them to take things this far.

And Kamala Harris has once again proven her hatred for America in a new move.

In a stunning reversal, Vice President Kamala Harris has once again shifted her stance on a fundamental issue, this time calling for the end of the Senate filibuster to codify Roe v. Wade into law. This move represents yet another flip from a position she once adamantly held, raising questions about her consistency, trustworthiness, and commitment to the values she claims to uphold.

The push to end the filibuster—a longstanding Senate tradition that promotes deliberation and bipartisan cooperation—follows a disturbing pattern of political opportunism from Harris, as she seeks to advance her radical agenda at any cost.

Harris’s latest flip-flop, which came during an appearance on Wisconsin Public Radio, is a direct contradiction to her 2017 pledge to preserve the Senate filibuster. During that time, she joined 32 of her fellow Democratic senators in signing a letter that urged the Senate to maintain “existing rules, practices, and traditions” that allow for extended debate.

That letter, addressed to then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and then-Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), called for the preservation of what Harris once referred to as the Senate’s “unique role in the legislative process.”

But in classic Harris fashion, she has now thrown that principle out the window, driven by the desire to force her pro-abortion agenda through Congress. As reported by Breitbart News, Harris expressed her desire to eliminate the filibuster to codify Roe v. Wade, which would strip states of their ability to enact pro-life laws.

“I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe,” Harris said, revealing her willingness to dismantle Senate traditions in pursuit of radical, left-wing policies.

Kamala Harris’s latest reversal on the filibuster is just the latest chapter in her long history of political flip-flopping. Back in 2017, Harris was one of the Democratic senators who praised the filibuster as an essential tool for preserving debate and ensuring that the Senate remained a deliberative body.

At that time, Harris argued that the filibuster was crucial for maintaining the integrity of the Senate and protecting the rights of minority parties to engage in extended debate on legislation.

Yet, as her political ambitions have grown, Harris has increasingly abandoned any pretense of respecting the institution she once vowed to protect. During her failed 2020 presidential campaign, Harris flip-flopped on the filibuster once again, calling for its elimination in order to pass the radical Green New Deal. This was a sharp departure from her previous position, demonstrating her willingness to change her stance on core principles whenever it suits her political goals.

The most troubling aspect of Harris’s flip-flop on the filibuster is that it’s not an isolated incident. Rather, it is part of a larger pattern of hypocrisy and political expediency that has come to define her career. Whether it’s her positions on criminal justice reform, health care, or now the Senate filibuster, Harris has consistently shown that she is willing to change her views depending on the political winds.

In 2010, Harris, then the district attorney of San Francisco, was a staunch defender of law enforcement and a tough-on-crime advocate. She supported policies that disproportionately impacted minority communities, including the controversial practice of truancy prosecution that targeted parents of truant children.

Fast forward to 2020, and Harris had completely reversed her stance, branding herself as a champion of criminal justice reform and aligning with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party in calling for police reform and racial justice. The about-face left many wondering whether Harris truly believed in the policies she promoted or if she was simply saying what was politically advantageous at the time.

The same could be said for her stance on Medicare for All. During her presidential run, Harris initially supported the idea of eliminating private health insurance in favor of a government-run system, only to later backtrack when it became clear that such a position was unpopular with moderate voters. This constant flip-flopping has made it difficult for voters to trust where Harris truly stands on important issues, and her inconsistency continues to undermine her credibility.

By calling for the elimination of the filibuster, Harris is not just abandoning her previous position—she is also setting a dangerous precedent that could further erode the deliberative nature of the Senate.

The filibuster exists for a reason: to encourage bipartisanship, protect the rights of minority parties, and ensure that legislation is carefully considered before it becomes law. Without the filibuster, the Senate risks becoming just another rubber stamp for the party in power, with no room for debate or compromise.

Harris’s willingness to throw away this important Senate tradition is particularly alarming in light of her agenda. By eliminating the filibuster to codify Roe v. Wade, Harris would not only enshrine abortion rights into federal law but also wipe out state pro-life laws, effectively trampling on the rights of millions of Americans who oppose abortion on moral or religious grounds. This is not just about reproductive rights—it’s about whether the federal government should have the power to override the will of the people in states that have chosen to protect life.

One of the most significant implications of Harris’s push to eliminate the filibuster for the sake of codifying Roe v. Wade is the impact it would have on states’ rights. The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe, restored the power to regulate abortion to the states. This allowed states to reflect the will of their citizens, whether that meant enacting pro-life laws or maintaining access to abortion services.

By pushing for the federal codification of Roe, Harris is effectively seeking to strip states of their ability to legislate on this issue, imposing a one-size-fits-all approach that ignores the diversity of opinions across the country.

This is a direct assault on the principle of federalism, which has long been a cornerstone of American governance. Harris’s disregard for states’ rights in this matter demonstrates a broader trend within the Democratic Party, where federal overreach is increasingly becoming the norm.

At its core, Kamala Harris’s call to eliminate the filibuster for the sake of codifying Roe is part of a broader radical agenda that seeks to transform America in fundamental ways. From pushing the Green New Deal to advocating for Medicare for All, Harris has shown time and time again that she is willing to adopt extreme positions in order to pander to the far-left base of the Democratic Party.

Her latest flip-flop on the filibuster is yet another example of her willingness to sacrifice long-standing Senate traditions in the name of political expediency.

The American people deserve better than a leader who changes her positions on a whim, depending on what’s politically convenient. They deserve someone who will stand up for the principles of limited government, states’ rights, and the protection of life. Kamala Harris has shown that she is not that leader.

As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) pointed out on social media, Harris’s reversal on the filibuster is not just a policy shift—it’s a betrayal of the very principles she once claimed to hold. In 2017, she signed a letter calling for the preservation of the filibuster, praising it as a tool for ensuring robust debate in the Senate. Now, just a few years later, she is ready to throw it away for the sake of advancing her radical pro-abortion agenda.

Kamala Harris’s latest flip-flop on the Senate filibuster is emblematic of a broader pattern of political opportunism and inconsistency. Whether it’s her changing positions on criminal justice, health care, or now the filibuster, Harris has shown that she is willing to abandon her principles whenever it suits her political ambitions. Her call to eliminate the filibuster to codify Roe v. Wade is not only a betrayal of the Senate’s traditions but also a dangerous move that would undermine states’ rights and impose a radical pro-abortion agenda on the entire country.

As the 2024 election approaches, voters should be wary of Harris’s ever-changing positions and consider whether she truly has the best interests of the American people at heart. It’s clear that Harris is more interested in pandering to the far-left than standing up for the principles of federalism, limited government, and the protection of life.

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