Kamala’s newest lies put American lives in severe danger

You would think that Democrats have learned that their dangerous rhetoric is harmful. But instead of stopping, they are doubling down.

And Kamala’s newest lies have put American lives in severe danger.

Vice President Kamala Harris has once again misrepresented the facts in her ongoing campaign to attack pro-life laws, this time blaming Georgia’s pro-life legislation for the tragic death of a woman, Amber Thurman. Speaking in Atlanta on Friday, Harris falsely claimed that Thurman died because of Georgia’s pro-life law protecting unborn babies, and asserted that Thurman’s doctors could have been jailed for providing her with care.

“Under the Trump abortion ban, her doctors could have faced up to a decade in prison for providing Amber the care she needed,” Harris told the crowd, referring to Georgia’s Heartbeat Bill. “Understand what a law like this means. Doctors have to wait until the patient is at death’s door before they take action.”

This statement is not only factually incorrect but represents a dangerous distortion of the law and the tragic circumstances of Thurman’s death. Harris’ claims, designed to bolster the radical pro-abortion agenda, spread misinformation about the real impact of pro-life policies in states like Georgia.

Amber Thurman’s death, while heartbreaking, was not the result of Georgia’s pro-life law. Thurman, who died due to complications after taking the abortion pill, mifepristone, was a victim of failed abortion protocols and the reckless promotion of “self-managed” abortions. Yet Harris, Democrats, and their allies in the media have seized upon her death to make misleading accusations about the safety and legality of pro-life laws.

Thurman’s death occurred after complications from the abortion pill led to a deadly infection, a known risk associated with these drugs. Mifepristone, which the FDA warns can cause severe complications like sepsis, has been increasingly promoted as a quick, convenient option for terminating pregnancies—despite growing evidence of its risks.

ProPublica first reported on Thurman’s case, and since then, abortion activists and Democratic politicians have exploited her death to claim that pro-life laws are dangerous for women.

However, what is conveniently left out of these claims is the fact that Georgia’s pro-life law specifically allows doctors to perform abortions if a medical emergency arises—contradicting Harris’ assertion that doctors’ hands are tied.

It’s important to note that there are no laws in the United States that prevent doctors from exercising their medical judgment in treating women experiencing pregnancy complications or emergencies. In fact, Georgia’s law explicitly allows doctors to act in cases where the mother’s life or health is at risk. The language of the law is clear: if a physician determines that a “medical emergency” exists, they are permitted to perform an abortion to protect the life of the mother.

Harris’ inflammatory claim that doctors must “wait until the patient is at death’s door” before taking action is not only false but irresponsible. It sows unnecessary fear among women who may believe they will be denied critical care in the event of a medical emergency. In reality, Georgia’s law provides flexibility for doctors to save lives while still protecting the unborn.

Pro-life advocates have strongly pushed back against Harris’ comments, accusing her of spreading dangerous misinformation to score political points. Katie Daniel, State Policy Director for SBA Pro-Life America, mourned the tragic deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller (another Georgia woman who died after taking abortion pills) but emphasized that these deaths were not the fault of Georgia’s pro-life laws.

“We mourn the senseless loss of Amber, Candi, and their unborn children,” Daniel said. “We agree their deaths were preventable. But let’s be absolutely clear: Georgia’s law and every pro-life state law calls on doctors to act in circumstances just like theirs. If abortion advocates weren’t spreading misinformation and confusion to score political points, it’s possible the outcome would have been different.”

This statement echoes a larger sentiment among pro-life advocates who believe that the real threat to women’s health is the misinformation being propagated by abortion advocates and their allies in the media. By falsely claiming that pro-life laws criminalize doctors and endanger women, abortion proponents have created an environment of fear, where women may hesitate to seek medical care when they need it most.

Dr. Ingrid Skop, a board-certified OB-GYN and Director of Medical Affairs at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, weighed in on the tragic deaths of Thurman and Miller, calling attention to the increasing dangers of “self-managed” abortions. These abortions, facilitated through abortion pills that can be ordered online and delivered by mail, have been hailed by the pro-abortion lobby as a convenient solution for women. But, as Skop points out, they carry significant risks.

“Amber died from sepsis, a complication the FDA alerts physicians to watch for in its ‘black box’ warning on mifepristone,” Skop explained. “Physicians must be aware of this risk and swiftly intervene.”

Skop has long warned about the dangers of mifepristone, and her concerns are echoed by many in the medical community. With the FDA steadily removing important safeguards for these drugs, allowing them to be accessed without a single in-person doctor visit, more women are being left vulnerable to the dangerous side effects of chemical abortions.

Moreover, Skop argued that misinformation about the safety of these drugs and false claims about prosecution are causing women like Candi Miller to avoid seeking medical care when complications arise. Miller’s family confirmed that she feared seeking help because she was worried about being prosecuted—a fear rooted in the lies spread by abortion activists. However, every pro-life state law prohibits prosecution of women for seeking an abortion, making these fears entirely unfounded.

The deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller have tragically become political tools for the pro-abortion movement, which is intent on discrediting pro-life laws, regardless of the facts. Harris’ speech in Georgia, filled with inaccuracies and fear-mongering, is just the latest example of Democrats and abortion activists using misinformation to demonize common-sense protections for the unborn and their mothers.

By spreading the false narrative that pro-life laws prevent doctors from treating women in emergencies, abortion activists and the media are endangering women’s lives. Rather than providing women with accurate information about their rights and medical care, they are instilling fear and confusion—resulting in preventable tragedies like the deaths of Thurman and Miller.

Kamala Harris’ blatant misrepresentation of Georgia’s pro-life law and the tragic case of Amber Thurman is just one example of how the abortion debate has been hijacked by lies and fear-mongering. While Harris and other Democrats push false narratives to advance their pro-abortion agenda, the facts tell a different story.

Georgia’s law, like many other pro-life laws across the country, allows doctors to act in the best interest of their patients during medical emergencies. The deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller are not the result of these laws but of dangerous misinformation and the reckless promotion of abortion pills as a “safe” alternative to in-person medical care.

The pro-life movement, far from endangering women, seeks to protect both mothers and their unborn children from harm. It’s time to push back against the misinformation and ensure that women receive the truth about their health and their rights.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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