Liberal district attacks man for holding to American principles

The Left is getting worse and worse at hiding their hatred for all things America. And they have taken things to the extreme.

Because a liberal district has attacked a man for holding to American principles.

A Colorado school district is at the center of a heated legal battle after a former employee filed a lawsuit claiming he was terminated for expressing his pro-American beliefs during a mandatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court of Colorado by the legal advocacy group America First Legal, accuses the Cherry Creek School District of violating the First Amendment rights of Patrick Hogarty, a former Dean of Students at Campus Middle School.

The complaint alleges that Hogarty was pressured by the school district to “embrace race-based ideologies” during a DEI training held on January 18, 2024. When asked about his experience as a white American citizen, Hogarty responded by saying he identifies as “an American who believes the U.S. is the greatest country in the world.” This statement, according to the lawsuit, was met with accusations of “racist undertones” from the district’s equity director, who reported Hogarty to the school principal.

What followed, according to the complaint, was a series of retaliatory actions that eventually led to Hogarty’s termination. In March 2024, the district eliminated Hogarty’s position, citing “budgetary reasons.”

Hogarty, however, contends that this was a pretext for punishing him for his politically incorrect views. When he pushed back against the justification for his layoff, Hogarty was placed on administrative leave for “unprofessional conduct.”

America First Legal, a conservative legal advocacy group, is leading the charge in Hogarty’s defense, claiming that his termination represents a clear-cut violation of his First Amendment rights. “Cherry Creek School District blatantly violated the First Amendment rights of our client when they terminated him because his pride in the United States of America did not align with the district’s political ideology that America is a systematically racist nation,” said Ian Prior, America First Legal senior advisor, in a press release.

This case raises serious concerns about free speech in America’s public schools and the increasing dominance of ideological conformity enforced by school administrations. It highlights the broader trend of educators and school staff being forced to submit to progressive views on race and identity or face professional consequences.

Hogarty’s experience is, unfortunately, not an isolated incident. Across the country, teachers, staff, and even students who express conservative or patriotic viewpoints have found themselves facing disciplinary action under the guise of promoting “diversity” and “equity.”

At the heart of this issue is the growing influence of DEI programs that, under the banner of inclusion, seem to promote a narrow ideological orthodoxy that discourages dissenting views. These initiatives, often promoted by activist groups, have become standard in many school districts. While their stated goal is to promote racial and social justice, they often operate as tools of ideological indoctrination, punishing anyone who dares to challenge the prevailing narrative.

In the case of Patrick Hogarty, his expression of pride in being an American and his belief in the greatness of the United States were apparently unacceptable in the context of a DEI training that, like many others, focused on framing the U.S. as a nation defined by systemic racism. Rather than engage in a meaningful discussion about differing viewpoints, the Cherry Creek School District allegedly chose to silence and punish Hogarty for his opinion.

The irony of this situation is palpable. DEI programs are often presented as tools to create inclusive environments where all voices are heard and respected. Yet, in practice, these programs are increasingly being used to marginalize and silence those who express patriotic or conservative viewpoints. Hogarty’s lawsuit paints a picture of a school district more interested in enforcing a particular ideological narrative than in fostering genuine diversity of thought.

By accusing Hogarty of harboring “racist undertones” simply for expressing pride in his country, the district’s equity director demonstrated the extent to which DEI programs have been weaponized to quash any dissent from progressive orthodoxy. The lawsuit alleges that Hogarty was fired not because of budgetary concerns, as the district claimed, but because his views did not align with the district’s political agenda.

This tactic—using administrative reasons as a cover for political retribution—is not unique to Cherry Creek. Across the country, conservatives and patriots have been subjected to similar forms of retaliation. Teachers who refuse to embrace critical race theory, parents who speak out at school board meetings, and students who express conservative values have all faced consequences for challenging the left-wing narrative that dominates much of America’s educational system.

The outcome of this lawsuit has significant implications for free speech in the educational system. If Hogarty’s lawsuit succeeds, it could set a precedent that protects the First Amendment rights of educators and school staff from being trampled by DEI-driven agendas.

It could send a powerful message to school districts across the country that political and ideological diversity must be respected, and that Americans should not fear losing their jobs simply for expressing pride in their country.

On the other hand, if Cherry Creek School District is allowed to get away with terminating Hogarty for expressing a viewpoint that contradicts the district’s political ideology, it could embolden other school districts to double down on their efforts to enforce ideological conformity. Educators across the country would be forced to either submit to the progressive agenda or risk losing their careers.

This lawsuit also raises broader questions about the role of public schools in shaping the political and ideological views of their staff and students. Should schools be spaces where open debate and free expression are encouraged? Or should they be places where ideological conformity is enforced, and dissenting voices are silenced?

For conservatives, the answer is clear: Schools should be places where free speech and open debate are protected, and where individuals are free to express their views without fear of retribution. Hogarty’s case is a reminder that those values are under attack, and it is up to Americans to defend them.

The case of Patrick Hogarty is emblematic of a broader struggle over free speech in America’s educational system. As DEI programs continue to proliferate, they are increasingly being used to enforce ideological conformity and punish those who dare to express pro-American or conservative views.

Hogarty’s lawsuit against Cherry Creek School District is not just a fight for his own First Amendment rights—it is a fight for the rights of all Americans who believe that they should be free to express their beliefs without fear of losing their jobs.

America was founded on the principles of free speech and open debate. Those principles are under attack in today’s schools, but they are worth fighting for. Patrick Hogarty’s case is a reminder that, no matter how powerful the forces arrayed against them, Americans must continue to stand up for the values that make this country great.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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