Liberal state steals millions from taxpayers to fund their Radical scheme

Democrats claim to have the interests of the people at heart. But it is beyond obvious that this is not the case.

Because a liberal state has stolen million from taxpayers in order to fund their Radical scheme.

In a shocking and anti-American move, the Hacienda Community Development Corporation (CDC) has implemented a taxpayer-funded down payment assistance scheme that blatantly discriminates against American citizens.

Through its Camino a Casa program, Hacienda CDC provides a staggering $30,000 in down payment assistance to non-citizens in Oregon while refusing to extend the same support to hardworking American citizens.

This is yet another example of how the Radical Left, aided by the Democratic Party, consistently prioritizes the interests of non-citizens over the needs of American families.

The Radical Left, with their stranglehold on Democratic policies, has once again demonstrated their disdain for the American people. By funneling taxpayer dollars to support non-citizens, they are not only harming American citizens but actively working to make their lives more difficult.

This outrageous scheme in Oregon is just the latest in a series of policies that highlight the Left’s true agenda: to undermine the American way of life and prioritize the needs of foreigners over those of the very people who built this nation.

It is important to recognize that this is not an isolated incident. Time and again, the Democratic Party and their radical allies have pushed for policies that harm American workers, taxpayers, and families.

From open borders to sanctuary cities, the Left is relentless in their efforts to put the interests of non-citizens ahead of those of American citizens. The Hacienda CDC’s Camino a Casa program is a glaring example of this betrayal.

The Hacienda CDC’s Camino a Casa program provides $30,000 in down payment assistance exclusively to non-citizens, effectively shutting out American citizens from the benefits of this taxpayer-funded program.

To add insult to injury, this program is funded by the hard-earned dollars of Oregon taxpayers—citizens who are struggling to find and afford homes in a state grappling with a severe housing shortage.

Republican Oregon state Representative Ed Diehl rightly called out this injustice, stating, “American citizens in Oregon are struggling to find and buy a home. We have a severe housing shortage in this state. I am appalled that the hard-earned, limited tax dollars of Oregonians are being used to prioritize home ownership for certain non-US citizens. Oregon can’t end this state-sponsored discrimination soon enough.”

Diehl’s words echo the frustration and anger felt by many Oregonians who are tired of being sidelined by policies that favor non-citizens over them.

The Hacienda CDC’s program is not operating in a vacuum. It is supported by the Economic Equity Investment Program (EEIP), an initiative that was established through the Economic Equity Investment Act (SB 1579) and passed by the Oregon assembly in 2022.

The EEIP was originally intended to promote equity goals and provide assistance to individuals in need of money to buy land or properties. However, in practice, it has become a tool for the Radical Left to push their anti-American agenda by prioritizing non-citizens over American citizens.

In 2024, the Oregon state legislature poured an additional $8 million into the EEIP to fund organizations like Hacienda CDC. These funds are supposed to support “culturally responsive services to support economic stability, self-sufficiency, wealth building, and economic equity among disadvantaged individuals, families, businesses, and communities.”

However, the term “disadvantaged” has been twisted by the Left to include non-citizens while excluding American citizens, who are struggling just as much—if not more—in today’s economy.

The Daily Caller reported that the contract between Hacienda CDC and the state of Oregon clearly states that the organization must consider all eligible beneficiaries and not refuse to work with individuals based on protected class considerations.

Yet, by exclusively offering down payment assistance to non-citizens, Hacienda CDC is effectively discriminating against American citizens—a clear violation of their contract and a betrayal of the American people.

Critics have pointed out that this discriminatory practice is not only unethical but likely illegal. By refusing to provide the same assistance to American citizens, Hacienda CDC is contravening the very principles of fairness and equity that the EEIP was supposedly created to uphold. This blatant disregard for American citizens is a stark reminder of the Radical Left’s true priorities.

The Radical Left’s war on Americans is not just limited to Oregon. Across the country, Democrats are pushing policies that prioritize non-citizens and undermine the well-being of American families. From the southern border to the housing market, the Left’s anti-American agenda is clear: they want to remake this country in their image, with little regard for the people who call it home.

It is time for Americans to stand up and say, “Enough is enough!” Our tax dollars should not be used to fund programs that discriminate against us in favor of non-citizens. Our elected officials should be working to protect and promote the interests of American citizens, not undermining them at every turn. The Radical Left’s dangerous and divisive policies must be stopped before they cause irreparable harm to our nation.

The Hacienda CDC’s taxpayer-funded down payment assistance scheme is a disgraceful example of how the Radical Left is using our tax dollars to harm American citizens while helping non-citizens.

This anti-American agenda must be exposed and stopped. American citizens deserve better than to be sidelined by the very government that is supposed to protect and serve them.

As Oregonians and Americans, we must demand that our elected officials put America first and end these discriminatory practices. Our tax dollars should be used to support American citizens, not to fund the Left’s dangerous and divisive social engineering experiments.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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