Major California leader shocks Harris’s campaign with a stunning betrayal

The Harris campaign is floundering as countless “allies” move to distance themselves. But this most recent loss could be the worst one yet.

Because a major California leader has shocked the Harris campaign with a stunning betrayal.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign took a hit recently after Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux blasted the campaign for using his image in a political ad without his consent. In a fiery statement, Sheriff Boudreaux, who has dedicated over 37 years of his life to law enforcement in California, made it crystal clear that he does not endorse Harris in any capacity.

The boldness of Harris’ campaign to use his likeness without permission speaks volumes about her approach to politics: more focused on optics than substance.

But the controversy surrounding this ad is just the tip of the iceberg. Harris’ tenure as Vice President, particularly her role as the Biden administration’s so-called “border czar,” has been an unmitigated disaster.

Harris has had 3.5 years to address the crisis at the southern border, and what has she done? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Illegal border crossings have surged to catastrophic levels, drug cartels continue to thrive, and human trafficking is rampant.

Yet, the Vice President remains curiously absent, unwilling or unable to tackle the issue head-on.

The idea that Kamala Harris was ever serious about solving the border crisis is laughable. Appointed by President Joe Biden as the face of the administration’s efforts to “fix” the southern border, Harris has failed spectacularly.

Border states continue to face the brunt of illegal immigration, overwhelming their resources, and threatening the safety of American citizens. Harris, meanwhile, has either avoided visiting the border or engaged in half-hearted, photo-op visits that do little to address the real issues.

Sheriff Boudreaux’s criticism perfectly encapsulates Harris’ approach: all “smoke and mirrors.” Her focus is not on fixing the problem but rather on crafting a narrative that makes it seem like she’s doing something.

But the reality is clear to anyone paying attention: Kamala Harris is more concerned with posturing for the camera than ensuring the safety of American citizens.

In fact, when Harris was California’s Attorney General, she was given the chance to combat the cartels and tackle illegal border crossings. Instead, she merely used the platform for self-promotion.

Sheriff Boudreaux recalls Harris’ visit to the Central Valley in 2014 when a multi-national drug operation with ties to Mexican drug cartels was taken down by local authorities.

Rather than acknowledging the hard work of those on the ground, Harris swooped in to take credit for the operation, barely acknowledging the local law enforcement officers responsible for the arrests. According to Boudreaux, she didn’t even bother to shake hands or offer a word of thanks to those who did the heavy lifting.

This incident reveals what we’ve known all along: Harris cares more about her image than about actually addressing the critical issues facing this country. She is a career politician who is more focused on political expediency than on serving the people.

After nearly four years of failure, why should Americans believe that Harris would do anything different if given more power? The truth is, they shouldn’t. Harris has proven herself to be ineffective and out of touch with the needs of the American people.

As Vice President, Harris has had ample opportunity to show leadership and competence, but she has failed to rise to the occasion time and time again.

Her track record speaks for itself: under her watch, the border crisis has worsened, crime has spiked in cities across the country, and American communities have been left to deal with the consequences of her inaction. Harris has had 3.5 years to prove her worth, and she’s accomplished nothing.

Meanwhile, Americans continue to suffer. Southern states, in particular, have been overwhelmed by the influx of illegal immigrants crossing the border. The strain on local resources is enormous, with many border towns struggling to provide basic services to their citizens.

Crime rates have soared as drug cartels exploit the porous border to traffic narcotics into the U.S., contributing to the opioid crisis that continues to ravage American communities.

Compare this failure to the leadership of President Donald Trump. During his time in office, Trump made border security a top priority, implementing policies that significantly reduced illegal crossings and put pressure on the cartels.

Trump recognized the importance of a secure border for national security and worked tirelessly to build the border wall, despite fierce opposition from Democrats and the mainstream media.

His administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy helped stem the tide of illegal immigration by ensuring that asylum seekers waited in Mexico for their cases to be heard, rather than being released into the U.S.

Trump’s actions on the border were not just about securing the southern border; they were about ensuring the safety and security of the American people. He knew that a weak border would lead to chaos, and he did everything in his power to prevent that from happening. The results speak for themselves: under Trump, illegal crossings plummeted, and the border was more secure than it had been in decades.

Contrast that with Kamala Harris, who has done nothing but exacerbate the problem. Her so-called leadership on the issue has been nonexistent, and her track record as Vice President is a stark reminder that she is not fit for the job. Harris had the chance to prove herself capable, but she has failed at every turn.

It’s clear that Kamala Harris is not interested in fixing the problems at the border or working to make America safer. Instead, she is focused on crafting a narrative that makes her look like a tough leader when, in reality, she is anything but. The American people deserve better than this.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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