Massive new discovery proves DEI had a hand to play in the attempt on Trump’s life

For years now, many Americans have been arguing that DEI is more harmful than good. But the Radical Left has been pushing it nonetheless.

But now, a massive new discovery has proven that DEI had a hand to play in the attempt on Trump’s life.

The Secret Service (USSS) has long stood as a vanguard of security, ensuring that America’s leaders are protected against any threats—domestic or foreign.

Yet, recent troubling developments raise serious questions about the competence of the agency under progressive influences.

It has been revealed that during the assassination attempt on Trump, a female Secret Service agent reportedly abandoned her post to breastfeed her baby.

This is not just an isolated occurrence but a symptom of a deeper problem. It highlights how the Left’s radical policies, particularly Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, are undermining national security at the highest levels.

According to Real Clear Politics reporter Susan Crabtree, the agent in question did not inform her superiors before leaving her post to breastfeed in a room meant for critical Secret Service operations. This breach of protocol isn’t just a procedural lapse; it’s a potential risk to national security.

The Secret Service is tasked with protecting high-profile figures such as Trump, especially during his campaign rallies. Any deviation from this responsibility can open dangerous vulnerabilities—and that’s precisely what happened here.

The agent’s actions occurred as the Secret Service was preparing for Trump’s motorcade, conducting final sweeps to ensure the safety of the event. What they found was deeply troubling: a female agent in a secure room breastfeeding her child, with two additional family members present—none of whom had the required security clearance to be in that area. This security breach, facilitated by event staff bypassing proper protocols, could have ended in catastrophe.

This lapse cannot be seen as a mere personal decision. It speaks to the larger issue of radical DEI initiatives infiltrating government institutions like the Secret Service. These policies, which emphasize “equity” over merit, and “diversity” over duty, may well be influencing the prioritization of personal needs over national security.

The fact that an agent on duty felt it was acceptable to bring her child, and unauthorized family members, into a secure zone during a crucial assignment suggests a breakdown in professional standards.

It should be noted that while women in the workforce, including mothers, should absolutely be accommodated in appropriate ways, the question here is about timing and the role of responsibility.

A Secret Service agent on duty has one job: protecting the President or other dignitaries. This is not a role where distractions or deviations from the mission can be tolerated, as they could mean the difference between life and death.

The Left’s relentless push for DEI and so-called “work-life balance” in even the most sensitive areas of government could be compromising that singular focus.

This recent incident isn’t happening in isolation. The Secret Service has come under increasing scrutiny for its security failures, including during Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, which led to an assassination attempt on the now-Republican nominee.

This pattern of lapses is raising serious concerns about whether the agency has been compromised by progressive values that prioritize identity politics over professional duty.

Kim Cheatle, the former director of the Secret Service, resigned shortly after the assassination attempt on Trump, leaving questions about how deep the rot goes within the agency. Under Cheatle’s leadership, it seems that security took a backseat to DEI priorities.

The Left’s constant push for gender diversity and equitable representation in federal agencies has had serious consequences, and this latest incident further underscores that problem. When decisions about personnel are driven by political agendas rather than competence, we risk compromising the very fabric of our national security.

The push for diversity in federal agencies, including the USSS, means that standards are being relaxed to meet quotas. For roles as critical as Secret Service agents, there should be no compromise when it comes to experience, physical readiness, and above all, commitment to the mission. However, DEI policies, driven by progressive ideology, have created an environment where performance and security are taking a back seat to identity-based hiring practices.

It is deeply concerning that, at a time when political tensions are higher than ever, radical left-wing policies are seeping into even the most critical security roles in the country. The safety of a former president, and now presidential candidate, should never be in question due to personal distractions.

Yet, the priorities of the Left, from forcing gender parity to promoting identity politics, have clearly filtered down into institutions like the USSS, where it has no place.

DEI has morphed into an ideological straightjacket, where even life-and-death roles are being shaped by progressive whims. In the wake of this incident, many Americans are asking: are radical policies from the Left placing our national leaders at greater risk?

President Trump has been vocal in his criticism of the Left’s infiltration into every part of American life, including its most trusted institutions. This latest event proves that Trump was right to sound the alarm.

As his campaign rallies gather momentum heading into 2024, it is critical that the Secret Service refocus on its core mission—protecting its principal—not catering to politically correct ideologies that detract from their responsibilities.

The Secret Service spokesperson, Anthony Guglielmi, downplayed the North Carolina event, saying there was “no impact” on the rally. Yet, any security lapse is a potential disaster in the making.

Even if nothing happened this time, we cannot ignore the fact that a breach occurred—a breach that could have endangered President Trump’s life. This incident must be thoroughly investigated, not only for the lapse in security but also to examine how radical DEI policies have infiltrated even the most vital national security functions.

When it comes to protecting the leader of the free world, there can be no room for errors—especially not those driven by ideological imperatives that weaken the focus of the agents tasked with defending our country’s most important figures.

It is time for a comprehensive review of the impact of progressive DEI policies on the Secret Service and other agencies responsible for national security. The safety of the President should never be compromised for the sake of political correctness.

As the investigation unfolds, one thing remains clear: we cannot allow the priorities of the radical Left to continue endangering the lives of our leaders. It’s time to reestablish accountability, competency, and professionalism in our federal institutions—before it’s too late.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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