New Biden incident has even his own staff worried for his future

Joe Biden’s mental health is deteriorating fast. He is not fit to be President.

And a new Joe Biden incident has even his own staff worried for his future.

In what has become an all-too-common occurrence, President Joe Biden once again raised concerns about his mental sharpness during a major diplomatic event. At his final Australia-India-Japan-U.S. diplomatic press event, part of the Quad Summit, Biden seemed lost and confused, prompting him to shout, “Who’s next?!” at the crowd of reporters and foreign officials.

The gaffe occurred before Biden realized that he was supposed to introduce Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The awkward fumble underscores growing unease about the president’s ability to carry out the demanding responsibilities of his office, especially on the global stage.

The event, held at Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home on Saturday, was a key moment for the Quad Summit—a strategic alliance between the U.S., Australia, India, and Japan. Yet, rather than making headlines for diplomatic achievements, the focus quickly shifted to the president’s bizarre behavior. As he concluded his speech, Biden looked visibly confused and unsure of who to call to the stage next.

“I want to thank you all for being here,” Biden said, before pausing. “And now, uh, who am I introducing next?”

Several seconds of silence followed as Biden stared blankly ahead. The room, filled with high-level officials and diplomats, grew noticeably tense. Biden, seemingly frustrated or flustered, then shouted, “Who’s next?!”

The awkward moment lingered until an announcer’s voice finally stepped in, cutting over the speaker to introduce Prime Minister Modi. The incident, while brief, left a lasting impression and raised serious questions about the president’s cognitive abilities.

This latest episode comes at a time when concerns about Biden’s mental fitness have been mounting. The president, who turned 81 this year, has repeatedly stumbled during public appearances, prompting widespread speculation that his age is taking a toll on his cognitive abilities.

From frequent memory lapses to incoherent statements, Biden’s public appearances are often marred by gaffes that would be troubling under normal circumstances—but are especially concerning given his role as the leader of the free world.

The confusion at the Quad Summit press event also occurred just one day after an even more peculiar development: First Lady Jill Biden led the administration’s first cabinet meeting since October 2023. Yes, that’s right—Jill Biden, the president’s unelected spouse, has taken on the extraordinary role of stepping in to manage high-level executive meetings, a task traditionally reserved for the president himself.

The First Lady’s growing involvement in official White House matters has raised alarm bells across Washington. During the cabinet meeting, Joe Biden passed the leadership role to his wife, saying, “I’d like to turn it over to Jill for any comments she has. It’s all yours, kid.”

The notion that Jill Biden—who holds no elected office or executive authority—would be tasked with leading a cabinet meeting is, to say the least, unprecedented. Political commentators and critics quickly took to social media to express their disbelief at what many see as further evidence that Joe Biden is no longer capable of fulfilling his presidential duties.

Political commentator Kate Hyde posted on X (formerly Twitter), “Jill Biden is kicking off the first cabinet meeting the White House has had in almost a year and we’re expected to act like this is normal.”

The Republican National Committee’s (RNC) Research account also weighed in, writing, “Jill, Ed.D., is now assisting whatever is left of Crooked Joe Biden in leading cabinet meetings.” This biting comment highlights the deep-seated concerns many Americans have about the legitimacy of Biden’s presidency and the unusual role his wife has begun to play in the administration’s inner workings.

These two incidents, occurring back-to-back, are not isolated moments. They are part of a much larger pattern of troubling behavior that has been on full display since Biden first took office. From wandering off during press conferences to confusing names and facts, Biden’s public missteps have fueled speculation that he is no longer fit to handle the pressures of the presidency.

And this isn’t just idle chatter among conservative commentators. A recent poll from Harvard-Harris found that a significant majority of Americans—nearly 60%—have serious concerns about Biden’s mental fitness. The president’s frequent gaffes, combined with his advanced age, have led many to question whether he can truly represent the U.S. on the world stage or handle the daily demands of running the country.

Even within his own party, whispers of doubt are growing louder. Democratic leaders have tried to deflect these concerns, framing Biden’s gaffes as “human moments” and assuring the public that the president is as sharp as ever. However, the constant stream of embarrassing incidents makes it difficult to ignore the obvious signs that Biden is struggling.

The implications of Biden’s diminishing mental acuity are not just political; they have real-world consequences for the United States. At a time when America is facing significant challenges both domestically and internationally, from an ongoing border crisis to escalating tensions with China, the president’s competence is more crucial than ever. Yet, instead of projecting strength and confidence, Biden’s frequent gaffes and reliance on his unelected wife are leading many to wonder who is really calling the shots in this administration.

Biden’s lackluster performance at the Quad Summit—an event meant to bolster U.S. alliances in the Indo-Pacific region—sends a troubling message to both our allies and adversaries. If the leader of the United States can’t even remember who to introduce at a major diplomatic event, how can he be trusted to navigate complex foreign policy challenges? And if Jill Biden is being tasked with leading cabinet meetings, who is really making the critical decisions that affect our nation’s future?

The American people deserve better. They deserve a president who is fully capable of leading the country, making sound decisions, and representing America on the global stage. But as Biden’s mental fitness continues to decline, it becomes increasingly clear that the current administration is failing to meet these basic expectations.

President Joe Biden’s latest public confusion at the Quad Summit is yet another reminder that the current occupant of the White House may not be up to the task of leading the nation. His mental decline is becoming more difficult to dismiss with each passing gaffe, and the American people are starting to take notice. Meanwhile, the growing role of Jill Biden in key administrative functions only deepens the concerns about who is really in charge.

As Biden stumbles from one public mishap to the next, we must ask tough questions about the future of this administration. Can Joe Biden continue to serve as president, or is it time for a serious conversation about his ability to lead? The stakes are too high to ignore the signs any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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