New report exposes just how bad things really have gotten under Biden and Harris

The mainstream media has been working overtime to convince America of how amazing Biden and Harris are. But the truth could not be more different.

And a new report exposes just how bad things have really gotten under Biden and Harris.

The illegal immigration crisis is spiraling out of control, and the Biden-Harris administration’s inability to address it is devastating the nation.

A recent report reveals that illegal immigrants now make up 75 percent of arrests in Midtown Manhattan, underscoring the growing threat they pose to American safety and economic stability.

This shocking statistic is not an isolated incident; it’s a clear indication of the broader crisis that is engulfing our cities and straining our justice system.

The Biden-Harris administration has repeatedly failed to secure our borders, allowing an unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants into the country. This administration’s lax immigration policies have effectively turned the United States into a sanctuary for criminals, as evidenced by the alarming arrest rates in New York City. It’s not just about numbers—this crisis is eroding the very foundation of American society.

According to sources within the NYPD, 75 percent of recent arrests in Midtown Manhattan involve illegal immigrants, many of whom are involved in serious crimes such as assault, robbery, and domestic violence. These aren’t just petty offenses; these are crimes that have a profound impact on the safety and well-being of American citizens.

The fact that such a large proportion of crimes in one of the nation’s most iconic neighborhoods is being committed by illegal immigrants is a direct result of the Biden-Harris administration’s refusal to enforce our immigration laws.

Beyond the threat to public safety, illegal immigration is wreaking havoc on the American economy. The influx of illegal immigrants is not only draining public resources but also taking jobs away from hardworking Americans. The administration’s failure to secure the border has led to a situation where American workers are being undercut by cheap, illegal labor.

This is particularly devastating in industries where low-wage jobs are prevalent, as employers take advantage of illegal immigrants who are willing to work for less, driving down wages and employment opportunities for American citizens.

Moreover, the strain on public services is overwhelming. Schools, hospitals, and social services are being pushed to their limits as they struggle to accommodate the needs of illegal immigrants. The cost of providing healthcare, education, and housing to this growing population is astronomical, and American taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill.

The Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies are turning America into a welfare state for illegal immigrants, while millions of Americans struggle to make ends meet.

New York City’s sanctuary city laws, championed by the Biden-Harris administration and local Democrat leaders, are exacerbating the crisis. These laws prohibit the NYPD from cooperating with ICE, effectively shielding illegal immigrants from deportation, even when they commit serious crimes. This is a slap in the face to law-abiding citizens who expect their government to protect them.

NYPD officers are frustrated and demoralized, knowing that their hands are tied by these misguided policies. As one officer told The New York Post, “I would say about 75 percent of the arrests in Midtown Manhattan are migrants, mostly for robberies, assaults, domestic incidents, and selling counterfeit items.” Yet, despite these alarming statistics, the city continues to prioritize the rights of illegal immigrants over the safety of its citizens.

The situation has become so dire that even Mayor Eric Adams, a staunch supporter of sanctuary city policies, has called for the City Council to reconsider these laws.

But it’s too little, too late. The damage has already been done, and the city’s criminal justice system is overwhelmed by the sheer volume of cases involving illegal immigrants.

The Biden-Harris administration’s failure to control illegal immigration is also turning American cities into safe havens for dangerous gangs and criminal organizations. The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, for instance, has established operations in New York City, taking advantage of the chaos created by the administration’s policies.

This gang has been linked to hundreds of crimes, including the shootings of two NYPD officers in June. They have even been smuggling guns into city-run illegal immigrant shelters in food delivery bags, posing a direct threat to public safety.

The presence of such violent gangs in our cities is a direct consequence of the administration’s failure to enforce immigration laws and secure the border. These criminals are exploiting the vulnerabilities created by the administration’s policies, putting American lives at risk.

The fact that illegal immigrants are responsible for most of the pickpocketing, phone, and chain snatches in Midtown Manhattan, as well as a significant portion of the gang violence, is a testament to the lawlessness that has taken root under this administration.

The human toll of this crisis cannot be overstated. American families are suffering as their loved ones fall victim to crimes committed by illegal immigrants. The fear and uncertainty that have gripped communities across the country are the direct result of the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless policies.

New York City courts are overwhelmed with cases involving illegal immigrants, with some courtrooms so inundated that they have had to call in extra Spanish interpreters. This is not just a logistical nightmare; it’s a tragic indication of the scale of the crisis. Law enforcement officers are stretched thin, trying to manage the influx of cases, while victims of crime are left to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.

The Biden-Harris administration’s handling of the illegal immigration crisis is a catastrophic failure that is destroying America’s economy, taking jobs away from hardworking citizens, and making our country less safe. The American people deserve better than a government that prioritizes the rights of illegal immigrants over the safety and well-being of its own citizens.

It’s time for a change. The American people need leaders who will stand up for them, secure our borders, and enforce our laws. The Biden-Harris administration has shown time and again that they are unwilling or unable to do so. The consequences of their failure are being felt in cities and towns across the nation, as crime rates soar and public services buckle under the strain.

America cannot afford to continue down this path. The safety, security, and prosperity of our nation are at stake. The American people deserve a government that will protect them, not one that enables the very forces that threaten their way of life.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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