New report reveals Harris’ shocking history with the Obamas

Kamala Harris has been endorsed by the Obamas, who many believe are leading the Democrat party. But their background is different from what everyone thought.

And a new report has revealed Harris’ shocking history with the Obamas.

As Vice President Kamala Harris continues to position herself as a leader within the Democratic Party, her political past reveals a troubling pattern of inconsistency, opportunism, and a lack of genuine principles. Harris has built a career on going wherever the political winds blow, shifting her positions to align with whatever agenda the far-left deems most favorable at the moment. This isn’t leadership; it’s pandering, and it’s a disservice to the American people.

Kamala Harris’s political career is marked by a series of flip-flops on key issues that reveal her to be more of a political chameleon than a true leader.

As the Attorney General of California, Harris took legal action against the Obama administration—yes, the same administration she now lauds as the gold standard of Democratic governance.

Her lawsuit was over the administration’s permitting of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) off the Pacific coast, a move that shows how she was once willing to stand against her own party’s president if it served her political ambitions.

Fast forward to her time as a U.S. Senator and presidential candidate, and Harris suddenly became one of the most vocal proponents of banning fracking altogether. During her ill-fated 2020 presidential campaign, she aligned herself with the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, calling for a complete ban on fracking, a position that puts her at odds with the energy needs of millions of Americans.

But now, as Vice President, she’s walked back that stance, claiming she never actually favored a fracking ban. Which is it, Kamala? The American people deserve to know where she truly stands, but it seems even she doesn’t have a clear answer.

Harris’s inconsistencies don’t stop at environmental policy. When it comes to healthcare, she has shown a similar lack of conviction. In 2019, Harris was a co-sponsor of Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All bill, which aimed to abolish private health insurance in favor of a government-run system. This was a radical move that sent shockwaves through the healthcare industry and alarmed millions of Americans who rely on private insurance.

Yet, when pressed during the Democratic primary debates, Harris’s stance on healthcare became muddled. She flip-flopped repeatedly, at one point even suggesting a plan that would allow private insurers to operate under strict government control—essentially a half-baked attempt to have it both ways.

Her inconsistency on healthcare is a prime example of how she shifts her positions based on what she thinks will win her the most votes. Rather than taking a principled stand, Harris seems to be more concerned with placating the loudest voices in her party, even if it means alienating moderate and independent voters.

Harris’s flip-flopping isn’t just a sign of political opportunism; it’s indicative of a deeper problem. She doesn’t seem to have any real ideas or principles of her own.

Instead, she parrots whatever the far-left tells her to say. Whether it’s the Green New Deal, healthcare, or criminal justice reform, Harris has shown a willingness to adopt the most extreme positions without considering their impact on everyday Americans.

Take, for example, her support for the Green New Deal, a far-left fantasy that would devastate the American economy and cost millions of jobs. As a co-sponsor of the legislation, Harris didn’t just support it; she went so far as to suggest ending the Senate filibuster to ram it through Congress.

This is the kind of reckless, short-sighted thinking that has become the hallmark of her political career. Rather than engaging in thoughtful debate or considering the long-term consequences of her actions, Harris is content to follow the far-left’s marching orders, regardless of the cost.

Perhaps the most glaring example of Harris’s lack of authenticity is her relationship with the Obamas. As California’s Attorney General, she didn’t hesitate to sue the Obama administration when it suited her political needs.

Yet today, she acts as though she’s always been a loyal supporter of the former president and his legacy. This is the height of hypocrisy. How can she claim to be a champion of the Obama-Biden administration when she was actively working against it just a few years ago?

Harris’s newfound friendship with the Obamas is nothing more than a political maneuver. She’s hoping to ride their coattails to higher office, but the American people shouldn’t be fooled. Her actions as Attorney General tell a different story—one of a politician who’s willing to undermine her own party if it benefits her career.

At the end of the day, Kamala Harris is a politician without a vision. She doesn’t have a clear set of principles or a coherent policy agenda. Instead, she’s a political opportunist who will say and do whatever it takes to climb the ladder of power. This is not the kind of leadership America needs, especially in these challenging times.

As Vice President, Harris has had ample opportunity to demonstrate real leadership. Instead, she’s chosen to continue her pattern of flip-flopping and pandering to the far-left. Whether it’s on energy policy, healthcare, or her relationship with the Obama administration, Harris has shown time and again that she cannot be trusted to stand by her convictions—if she even has any.

Kamala Harris’s career is a case study in political opportunism. From her flip-flopping on fracking and healthcare to her hypocritical relationship with the Obamas, Harris has shown that she is more interested in advancing her own career than in serving the American people. She is a politician who lacks real ideas, real principles, and real leadership.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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