New report reveals terrifying truth about establishment media regarding attempt on Trump’s life

The establishment media hates Trump. And now it seems they might have had a role to play in all of this.

And a new report has unveiled the terrifying truth about establishment media regarding the attempt on Trump’s life.

A new analysis conducted by the Media Research Center (MRC) found that 95 percent of the media coverage following the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump was overwhelmingly negative.

ABC, CBS, and NBC dedicated significant airtime to the event, but rather than focusing on the heinous act of violence and the disturbing trend of political assassination attempts, these networks chose to continue their anti-Trump crusade.

The blatant bias and dangerous rhetoric perpetuated by the establishment media are nothing new, but this time, it has crossed a line that should concern every American who values democracy and the safety of our political leaders.

In the wake of this assassination attempt, the media’s response wasn’t to condemn the violence unequivocally. Instead, they used the opportunity to attack Trump, downplay the threat, and even suggest that Trump’s own words were to blame. Such behavior from these media outlets is not just irresponsible; it’s dangerous.

According to the MRC’s findings, 70 percent of the campaign news airtime across these major networks was dedicated to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. However, rather than portraying the seriousness of the incident or addressing the obvious threat to democracy posed by such violence, the networks’ commentary was heavily skewed against Trump.

Out of 21 evaluative comments reviewed by MRC, a shocking 20 were negative toward Trump, with only one positive remark—if it can even be considered that.

This is where the danger of establishment media becomes crystal clear. Instead of focusing on the increasing violence being directed toward a former president and current Republican frontrunner, the media chose to shift the narrative, blaming Trump’s rhetoric for the violence against him.

NBC’s Lester Holt, for example, wasted no time linking the assassination attempt to Trump’s supposed “fierce rhetoric” on the campaign trail, making it sound as if Trump himself was the cause of the violence targeted at him.

But perhaps the most egregious example came from CBS’s Norah O’Donnell. Instead of condemning the attempted assassination and the forces that could have incited such an act, O’Donnell turned her focus toward Trump’s remarks on immigration, implying that Trump’s words were responsible for “increasing the threat of political violence” in Springfield, Ohio.

It’s as if the media is suggesting that those who disagree with Trump’s policies or rhetoric are justified in turning to violence—a dangerous precedent that could encourage further political violence.

One glaring omission in the media’s coverage was the almost complete lack of attention to the role that left-wing rhetoric might have played in these assassination attempts. The suspect in this latest attempt, Ryan Wesley Routh, reportedly blamed “communist left rhetoric” for his violent actions.

This, however, was barely mentioned by the media. Instead, they quickly pivoted to attacking Trump, downplaying any potential responsibility that Democratic rhetoric may hold in fanning the flames of violence.

MRC’s analysis found that out of 48 minutes of coverage across these three networks, less than two minutes—1 minute and 53 seconds—were spent on exploring the possibility that violent, anti-Trump rhetoric from the left could be contributing to these assassination attempts. Two minutes.

That’s all the attention they gave to a legitimate concern that the left’s constant demonization of Trump and his supporters could be inciting violence.

Meanwhile, the media has spent years portraying Trump as a threat to democracy, labeling him and his supporters as extremists, racists, and even terrorists. It’s no surprise, then, that those who consume this steady diet of anti-Trump propaganda might be emboldened to commit violent acts. But rather than acknowledge this reality, the media brushes it aside, preferring to continue its vilification of Trump.

This isn’t the first time Trump has faced violence while the media remained largely silent. Just two months ago, Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, killing one person and wounding two others in the process. Yet the media’s response was lukewarm at best, and they quickly moved on from the story.

Contrast this with how the media handled the attack on Paul Pelosi. In that case, the media spent weeks discussing the political implications of the violence and pointing fingers at Republicans for allegedly inciting the attack.

But when Trump is the target, the rules change. The media seems almost eager to downplay the severity of the threat and move on, lest they have to grapple with the fact that their own rhetoric may be contributing to this wave of political violence.

The hypocrisy is staggering. Leftist figures and media outlets have routinely made incendiary remarks about Trump and his supporters. From Maxine Waters encouraging her followers to “push back” on Trump administration officials to rhetoric from prominent Democrats painting Trump as an existential threat to democracy, the vitriol has been constant.

Yet when violence erupts, the media ignores these provocations and instead seeks to blame Trump for the very violence directed at him.

It’s no wonder that millions of Americans feel that the establishment media is out to get Trump. The constant negative coverage, the refusal to hold Democrats accountable, and the media’s eagerness to blame Trump for everything under the sun, even assassination attempts, is enough to make anyone skeptical of the media’s motives. The American people are fed up with the media’s anti-Trump bias and their refusal to acknowledge the dangers of the left’s rhetoric.

Donald Trump continues to stand strong in the face of these threats, showing more resilience and courage than the media ever will. While they may attempt to silence him through negative coverage and biased reporting, Trump’s message resonates with everyday Americans. They see through the lies and propaganda. They know that Trump is fighting for them, for their jobs, for their families, and for their freedom.

The establishment media has shown, once again, that they are not interested in truth or objectivity. They are interested in one thing: stopping Donald Trump at any cost, even if it means downplaying assassination attempts and shifting the blame onto the victim. Their dangerous rhetoric is a threat to democracy and free speech, and it must be called out for what it is.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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