PA Democrats’ suspicious election actions have the whole state on high alert

Democrats always seem to be doing something borderline illegal when it comes to elections. But now they might be caught red-handed.

And these PA Democrats’ suspicious election actions have the whole state on high alert.

In what can only be described as a brazen disregard for Pennsylvania election law, the state’s Democratic Party is under fire for potentially recruiting out-of-state individuals to serve as poll watchers in the upcoming election. This troubling revelation has raised serious questions about the integrity of the electoral process in Pennsylvania, a critical battleground state.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has sounded the alarm, and for good reason: the stakes could not be higher.

The controversy centers around a section of the Pennsylvania Democrats’ website dedicated to recruiting poll watchers, ominously titled “Election Day Poll Observers.”

The description provided is innocuous at first glance, describing poll watchers as the “eyes and ears on the ground at polling places across the state on election day.” However, it’s what comes next that has set off alarm bells across the political landscape.

The website states that poll observers “must be physically present in PA for their shift, but do not necessarily have to be PA voters.” This statement is not just a minor oversight or clerical error; it is a blatant misrepresentation of Pennsylvania law, which clearly requires that poll watchers be registered voters within the county they wish to serve.

In other words, Democrats in Pennsylvania could very well be orchestrating an effort to bring in out-of-state poll watchers, a move that would undermine the sanctity of the voting process.

Under Pennsylvania law, there are strict requirements for who can serve as a poll watcher. The law explicitly states that a poll watcher must be “a qualified registered elector of the county where the election district (polling place) is located for which the watcher is appointed.”

Additionally, poll watchers must be identified, receive official county credentials in advance, and be assigned to specific precincts. This legal framework is designed to ensure that those overseeing the electoral process have a vested interest in the community where they are serving.

The language used by Pennsylvania Democrats on their website directly contradicts these requirements. By stating that poll watchers “do not necessarily have to be PA voters,” they are essentially opening the door for individuals from outside the state—individuals with no ties to the local community—to insert themselves into the electoral process. This is not just questionable; it is highly suspicious and warrants immediate scrutiny.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the RNC quickly responded by sending a letter to Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt, urging him to take action. The letter, penned by Luke Bunting, Election Integrity Counsel with the RNC, minced no words in its criticism of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party’s actions.

“The Republican Party is committed to defending free and fair elections in Pennsylvania and across the country. As part of that commitment, we believe it is important that election officials and campaigns convey accurate information to the public about election laws,” the letter begins, setting the tone for what is to come.

Bunting goes on to describe the Democrats’ statement on poll watchers as a “highly inaccurate description of Pennsylvania’s law regarding qualifications of poll watchers.” He emphasizes that under state law, poll watchers “must be a qualified registered elector of the county in which the election district for which the watcher was appointed is located.”

This is a clear and unambiguous requirement, one that the Pennsylvania Democrats are seemingly flouting with reckless abandon.

The implications of the Democrats’ actions are far-reaching. By potentially recruiting out-of-state poll watchers, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party is jeopardizing the integrity of the upcoming election. Poll watchers play a crucial role in ensuring that the voting process is fair and transparent.

They are the first line of defense against voter fraud and other irregularities. Allowing individuals who have no stake in the local community to serve as poll watchers not only undermines this role but also creates the potential for chaos and confusion at polling places.

Moreover, the misinformation being spread by the Pennsylvania Democrats threatens to sow distrust in the electoral process. If voters cannot trust that the rules are being followed, they may lose faith in the outcome of the election. This is a dangerous path, one that could lead to widespread disillusionment and a further erosion of public confidence in our democratic institutions.

This is not the first time that Pennsylvania Democrats have shown a disregard for election laws. The RNC’s letter also raises concerns about the Democrats’ statements on “Early Vote Monitors,” individuals who will “assist voters outside Boards of Election and satellite locations during early voting.” The letter points out that when Al Schmidt was a Commissioner in Philadelphia, he took the position that volunteers could not observe any activities at satellite election offices, where in-person absentee voting takes place.

Yet, the Democrats’ current stance on Early Vote Monitors suggests a willingness to push the boundaries of what is legally permissible, once again threatening to create confusion and disorder during the election.

The pattern is clear: Pennsylvania Democrats are willing to bend the rules, if not outright break them, in order to achieve their desired outcomes. Whether it’s recruiting out-of-state poll watchers or attempting to manipulate the process at satellite election offices, the goal appears to be the same—undermining the integrity of the election to gain a partisan advantage.

As the November election approaches, it is imperative that we remain vigilant. The RNC’s call for Secretary of State Schmidt to issue a public statement clarifying the law is a step in the right direction, but more must be done. The Pennsylvania Democratic Party must be held accountable for the misinformation it is spreading. The integrity of our elections depends on it.

The RNC has rightly demanded that the Pennsylvania Democrats “cease and desist from publishing inaccurate election information to the public.” This is not just a matter of correcting an error; it is about safeguarding the very foundation of our democracy. The American people deserve elections that are free, fair, and conducted in accordance with the law. Anything less is unacceptable.

The actions of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party are a wake-up call for voters not just in the Keystone State but across the nation. The integrity of our elections is under threat, and it is up to us to defend it. The recruitment of out-of-state poll watchers, in direct violation of Pennsylvania law, is just the latest in a series of alarming moves by a party that seems willing to do whatever it takes to win—regardless of the consequences.

As conservatives, we must stand firm in our commitment to election integrity. We must demand accountability from those who seek to undermine our democratic process. And we must ensure that every election is conducted in a manner that is fair, transparent, and above all, lawful.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the Truth in the news.

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