Radical media forced to admit this about Donald Trump

The Radical media hates Trump and cannot help but spread lies about him. However, the truth comes out anyway.

And now the Radical media has been forced to admit this about Donald Trump.

In a telling moment on CBS News’ “CBS Mornings,” reporter Adriana Diaz gave a surprising update from the battleground state of Nevada that is sure to shock the liberal establishment.

While traveling through the Silver State, Diaz interviewed voters at local restaurants, and her findings were nothing short of remarkable. Despite the mainstream media’s relentless attempts to downplay Donald Trump’s popularity, Diaz couldn’t avoid the reality on the ground: Americans are excited about Trump.

The CBS segment, part of a series called “Three Meals,” seeks to take the pulse of voters leading up to the 2024 election by visiting various states and dining with residents. This week’s stop was Nevada, and while Diaz expected a wide variety of political opinions, what she found was a wave of enthusiasm for the former president, even in areas that have traditionally leaned Democratic.

Adriana Diaz’s revelation is striking for a number of reasons, but the most glaring one is the setting: mainstream media has largely written off Trump as a figure of the past, a leader whose political career should have been dead and buried after 2020.

Yet, as Diaz ventured into Nevada’s restaurants and engaged with ordinary people, the narrative spun by the radical left and their media allies was turned on its head. As Diaz herself admitted, “People are really excited about Trump.”

It wasn’t just one or two isolated conversations, either. Diaz and her crew traveled across Nevada, visiting multiple locations, asking people what matters most to them and who they support in the upcoming election. The overwhelming response was the same: support for Trump. Even more remarkable, according to Diaz, they could only find one supporter of Vice President Kamala Harris in all the restaurants they visited.

As Diaz explored the state, she uncovered a range of concerns that are driving voters toward Trump. One woman, when asked what was most important to her, gave a blunt and straightforward answer: “I’m extremely concerned about the border.”

This is a sentiment shared by millions of Americans who have watched, in horror, as the Biden-Harris administration has allowed chaos to reign at the southern border.

Under Biden and Harris, the United States has seen record numbers of illegal crossings, fentanyl trafficking, and human smuggling operations. The border is a disaster zone, and it’s clear that voters in battleground states like Nevada are paying attention.

Trump’s policies on border security, including his efforts to build the wall and implement stricter immigration enforcement, are resonating now more than ever.

Another telling moment came when a local food truck owner discussed the devastating impact inflation has had on his business. “Tacos used to be a dollar, $1.50, after the pandemic they don’t go under $3.50 to $4,” he said. The rising cost of food, housing, and everyday goods has hit working-class Americans hard. Bidenomics, with its reckless spending and anti-growth policies, has only exacerbated the situation.

For many, the answer to these economic woes is clear: bring back Trump and his proven economic policies that led to one of the strongest economies in modern history.

What’s particularly interesting about Diaz’s report is the clear enthusiasm for Trump, even in areas where Democrats have typically performed well. Nevada’s Latino community, which represents more than 20% of the state’s electorate, has long been a reliable voting bloc for the Democratic Party. But even here, Diaz found that voters are turning to Trump.

The Latino vote has become increasingly important in national elections, and in 2020, Trump made significant inroads with Latino voters. His strong stance on law and order, jobs, and economic opportunity resonated with many in this community.

Now, as the Biden administration continues to fumble on the economy, inflation, and border security, it’s no surprise that more and more Latinos are flocking to Trump’s America First message.

In fact, as Diaz’s report shows, Trump’s support cuts across all demographics. Whether it’s the border, inflation, jobs, or just a desire for strong leadership, Trump is the one people are looking to for answers. Diaz herself acknowledged that despite the numerous interviews conducted, only one Harris supporter could be found, and the enthusiasm for Trump was undeniable.

For CBS News—a mainstream outlet that typically skews to the left—this report was a rare and unfiltered look at the state of the electorate. The fact that a reporter from CBS was forced to admit that “people are really excited about Trump” speaks volumes about where America is heading as we approach the 2024 election.

Even in a network that has long been critical of Trump, the excitement for the former president is so obvious that it simply can’t be ignored. The mainstream media can try to suppress the excitement for Trump all they want, but as this report shows, it’s bubbling to the surface in places they least expected.

This enthusiasm for Trump comes at a time when the radical left is desperately trying to control the narrative. They’ve spent years demonizing Trump, falsely accusing him of everything under the sun, and attempting to frame him as an authoritarian. Yet, even as they’ve tried to bury his legacy, Trump has only grown stronger.

From Nevada to Florida, Ohio to Pennsylvania, and everywhere in between, the movement that Trump started is alive and well. The excitement for Trump’s return to the White House is palpable. And it’s not just among die-hard conservatives—it’s spreading among independents, working-class voters, and even former Democrats who are fed up with the incompetence and failure of the Biden-Harris administration.

The mainstream media can continue to push their anti-Trump agenda, but as Adriana Diaz’s report from Nevada shows, they can’t hide the truth: America is excited for Trump. Whether it’s concerns about the border, frustration with rising costs, or simply a desire for a leader who puts America first, voters are making it clear that they want Trump back in office.

The radical left and their allies in the media will undoubtedly try to downplay this enthusiasm, but it’s too big to ignore. Even CBS News, a network not known for being friendly to Trump, had to acknowledge that the people they spoke with are eager for Trump’s return.

In the coming months, as more reports like this come to light, it will become even more obvious: Trump’s support is not only strong, it’s growing. The silent majority is not so silent anymore, and they’re ready to take their country back.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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