Radical organization turns its back on the Left because of their destructive policies

It seems to have become a common theme that the Left is losing support from within. And even the most Radical groups are deserting.

And now, a radical organization has turned its back on the Left because of their destructive policies.

In recent years, the Left has been relentless in promoting “gender-affirming care” for children and adolescents. Under the guise of inclusion and acceptance, activists and political leaders have made it their mission to mainstream a controversial approach that encourages irreversible medical interventions for minors experiencing gender dysphoria.

The most concerning aspect of this agenda is that the long-term impact of these interventions remains highly uncertain, and many respected professionals in the medical community are raising the alarm.

One of the most significant developments on this front came from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), which represents over 90 percent of plastic surgeons in the U.S. and Canada.

The organization recently voiced serious concerns regarding surgical sex changes for minors, telling Manhattan Institute fellow Leor Sapir that the “existing evidence base is viewed as low quality/low certainty.”

This admission is monumental. For years, the Left has presented “gender-affirming care” as a scientific consensus, branding those who dare to question its efficacy or safety as bigots or worse.

Now, the very professionals tasked with performing these surgeries are expressing doubt, shedding light on the significant risks associated with performing irreversible surgeries on children.

The ASPS has not endorsed any specific guidelines or practices for treating adolescents with gender dysphoria. It has acknowledged that there is “considerable uncertainty as to the long-term efficacy for the use of chest and genital surgical interventions.” In simple terms, the long-term consequences of these procedures are unknown.

Yet, despite this glaring lack of data, left-leaning politicians, advocacy groups, and many in the mainstream media continue to push these life-altering treatments on vulnerable minors.

The rush to promote “gender-affirming care” ignores a basic principle of medicine: first, do no harm. These surgeries and hormone treatments can result in permanent changes to a child’s body—changes that cannot be undone if the child later regrets the decision.

We’re talking about irreversible surgeries that alter the chest and genitals, permanently affecting not just the appearance but the entire future of these young people. And yet, the Left seems willing to gamble with the lives of children in their pursuit of ideological purity.

Even more disturbing is the environment of fear that has taken hold within the medical community. Dr. Sheila Nazarian, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, shared with Sapir that many of her colleagues are concerned about the use of hormones and surgeries on minors but are afraid to speak out.

Why? Because the current political climate makes it nearly impossible for doctors to have a reasonable debate on the issue without facing backlash from activist groups and the Left’s outrage machine.

Nazarian hit the nail on the head when she pointed out that when medical professionals are afraid to discuss treatments—especially for minors—it becomes a serious problem. In a world where disagreement on medical ethics is treated as heresy, doctors are forced into silence, afraid that any opposition to “gender-affirming care” will result in professional ruin.

It’s an alarming situation when medical professionals who should prioritize patient safety feel pressure to conform to a political narrative rather than engage in open, evidence-based discussion.

Another critical issue is how surgeons often defer to mental health professionals and endocrinologists when it comes to determining whether minors should undergo irreversible surgical procedures.

While these professionals certainly play a role in treating gender dysphoria, relying solely on their recommendations can lead to dangerous outcomes. As Nazarian points out, this approach reduces surgeons to mere technicians, ignoring their ethical duty to consider the full picture when determining if a surgery is truly in the patient’s best interest.

“We are not highly trained technicians,” Nazarian stressed. “We are physicians with responsibility for the health and well-being of our patients. We can get input from other clinicians, but ultimately the responsibility for determining medical readiness lies with us. That means that we have to examine all the data and studies available to us.”

Her message couldn’t be clearer: medical professionals have a duty to ensure they are doing what is in the best interest of their patients, not simply following orders from other clinicians who may not fully understand the risks of these surgeries.

Outsourcing judgment on such a significant decision is not just irresponsible; it’s reckless.

While the Left in America continues to champion “gender-affirming care,” much of the international medical community is taking a more cautious approach.

Countries like Sweden, Finland, and the UK have reevaluated and significantly restricted the use of these interventions on minors, emphasizing the need for a more measured approach based on scientific evidence rather than ideology.

The American medical establishment has been slow to follow suit. But as Dr. Nazarian pointed out, the international debate on youth gender medicine is far ahead of where we are in the United States.

European countries are increasingly recognizing that the long-term benefits of such drastic interventions are questionable at best. Many have decided to prioritize psychotherapy and other non-invasive treatments rather than rushing children into life-altering surgeries and hormone therapies.

At the core of this debate is a fundamental question: should we allow children to make irreversible decisions about their bodies, decisions they may later regret? The Left’s answer is a resounding yes, ignoring the fact that minors are not equipped to fully understand the consequences of such drastic actions.

By pushing “gender-affirming care” without sufficient evidence or long-term data, the Left is endangering the health and well-being of vulnerable children.

As Dr. Nazarian aptly stated, “You can’t help people by ignoring the reasons they want to go under the knife.” Surgeons have a responsibility to ensure that the decisions they help facilitate are made in the best interest of the patient, both in the short and long term. When it comes to children, the stakes are even higher.

Allowing minors to undergo life-altering surgeries based on feelings that may be fleeting or influenced by external pressures is not just irresponsible—it’s dangerous.

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