Radical protestor assaults veteran during this terrifying attack

The Radical Left is getting more and more violent and extreme. But this time they took it too far.

Because a radical protestor has assaulted a veteran during this terrifying attack.

The recent assault on Scott Hayes, a pro-Israel demonstrator in Newton, Massachusetts, is another chilling example of how the radical left’s anti-Israel rhetoric has emboldened violence and intolerance.

Caleb Gannon, the man accused of tackling Hayes during a peaceful protest, has a history of extreme views on social media, calling for the destruction of the United States and refusing to condemn the terrorist group Hamas. This disturbing incident is a wake-up call for anyone still in doubt about the dangers posed by the rising tide of anti-Israel sentiment within far-left circles.

Caleb Gannon, 31, was caught on video charging across the street and violently tackling Scott Hayes, a peaceful pro-Israel protester. The footage, first released by The Daily Wire, shows Gannon attacking Hayes, who, in self-defense, fired a single shot, injuring his assailant. Hayes immediately tended to Gannon’s wounds until emergency personnel arrived, demonstrating a level of humanity and care that stands in stark contrast to the radical ideologies driving this attack.

While the initial motivations for Gannon’s actions were unclear, a review of his social media history revealed a disturbing pattern of extremism. Gannon, who openly supports Hamas, has called for the destruction of the United States, referring to it as a “rogue terrorist organization.” He advocates for the dismantling of police stations, military bases, and government offices, with the resources to be “redirected back into their communities.”

These extreme and anti-American views are deeply concerning, but they are not an anomaly. They reflect a broader, dangerous trend within the radical left—one that tolerates and even promotes hate, so long as that hate is directed at the right targets: Israel, the United States, and anyone who dares to disagree with their worldview.

The left often prides itself on being a movement of “tolerance” and “inclusivity,” but incidents like this expose the hypocrisy at the core of that claim. The truth is, the radical left only tolerates those who agree with them. If you’re pro-Israel, pro-America, or even simply someone who dares to think independently, you become a target for their vitriol.

Gannon’s refusal to condemn Hamas—a terrorist organization responsible for the October 7th massacre in Israel that left over 1,400 people dead—speaks volumes. Instead of recognizing the brutality of Hamas, Gannon lashed out at his own family for not acknowledging the so-called “genocide” in Palestine.

His social media profile is filled with incendiary posts, including one that endorses violence against Zionists, asserting that they “should feel unsafe everywhere.”

This rhetoric is not only hateful but dangerous. It’s the kind of ideology that encourages people to take violent action, as Gannon did when he attacked Hayes. When the left tolerates and promotes this kind of speech, they are directly contributing to a climate of hostility and violence.

The assault in Massachusetts is a stark reminder that the radical left’s version of “tolerance” is nothing more than a thinly veiled endorsement of hate against anyone who dares to oppose their narrative.

The rise of anti-Israel sentiment on the left has been alarming, and it’s become even more blatant in the wake of the October 7th Hamas attack. Instead of uniting in condemnation of terrorism, many on the radical left have doubled down on their support for Hamas and their hatred for Israel.

College campuses, which should be centers of intellectual debate and discourse, have become hotbeds for anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist protests, with pro-Israel students facing harassment and even threats of violence.

It’s not just about disagreeing on foreign policy. The rhetoric from the radical left is aimed at dehumanizing Israel and anyone who supports it. They paint Israel as a genocidal regime and Zionists as oppressors who deserve to feel unsafe. As one of Gannon’s reposts on social media suggested, “Zionists should feel unsafe everywhere.”

This is not the language of peaceful protest or constructive debate. This is the language of hate, and it’s fueling violence across the country. Just as concerning is the way mainstream institutions are turning a blind eye to it. The very people who claim to be against hate are standing idly by while a new form of hatred takes root in their ranks.

The left loves to claim moral superiority, constantly preaching about how they are the champions of tolerance, equality, and justice. But what they practice is selective outrage. They are quick to condemn hate when it fits their narrative, but they are equally quick to excuse or ignore it when it doesn’t.

Anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric has been on the rise within left-wing circles for years, yet we rarely see the same outcry from progressives that we do when other groups are targeted. Why? Because the radical left has decided that some hate is acceptable—so long as it’s aimed at the right people. If you’re pro-Israel or even just a supporter of Western democracy, you’re fair game for their vitriol.

This hypocrisy isn’t just a moral failing; it’s dangerous. By tolerating and even encouraging hate against those who disagree with them, the radical left is creating an environment where violence is not just possible—it’s inevitable. Caleb Gannon’s attack on Scott Hayes is proof of that.

When Gannon tackled Hayes for simply demonstrating in favor of Israel, he wasn’t just engaging in political protest—he was acting on a deep-seated hatred that has been fostered by years of radical left-wing rhetoric. The fact that Gannon refuses to condemn Hamas, an organization that openly targets civilians, further exposes the moral bankruptcy of his views.

What makes this situation even more disturbing is the legal response. Scott Hayes, who acted in self-defense after being violently attacked, is now facing charges of assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Meanwhile, Gannon, the aggressor, is being painted as the victim in some circles. This double standard is emblematic of the broader issue at play—justice is being warped to fit the radical left’s narrative.

The Anti-Defamation League of New England rightly pointed out how “concerning” it is that charges were immediately filed against Hayes before the investigation was even completed. This rush to judgment reflects the dangerous trend of prioritizing the feelings of radical protesters over the safety and rights of ordinary Americans who are simply trying to defend themselves.

The attack on Scott Hayes and the radical views of Caleb Gannon are part of a much larger issue. The left claims to stand against hate, but their actions tell a different story. They tolerate—and even promote—hatred against anyone who dares to disagree with their agenda, especially those who support Israel. This growing trend of anti-Israel rhetoric is not just divisive; it’s dangerous. It’s fueling violence and eroding the very foundations of our society.

The radical left’s hypocrisy must be called out for what it is: a dangerous and intolerant ideology that has no place in a civilized society. As Americans, we must stand up against this hate and ensure that our country remains a beacon of freedom, democracy, and respect for all—regardless of political or religious affiliation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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