Republicans have one plan for 2024 that should scare Democrats to death

Total control of Washington, D.C. is on the ballot in 2024. Both major political parties have a golden opportunity.

And now Republicans have hatched a plan for 2024 that should scare Democrats to death.

When you look at the 2024 election cycle, there’s not much in the way of certainty. Though there are a few outcomes that you can expect when the dust has settled next November.

One of those is that the Republicans should have control of the U.S. Senate once again as the Democrats are defending twice as many seats as the Republicans are, and those up for reelection are way more vulnerable compared to the Republicans in the Senate who are up for reelection.

Outside of that, the U.S. House of Representatives is going to be a tooth-and-nail battle that comes down to the wire since Republicans carry a slim 4 seat majority right now. That slim majority is highly unlikely to change for either Democrats or Republicans.

And then there’s, of course, the hotly contested race for the White House that will seemingly come down between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It’s possible that it ends up as Joe Biden against Ron DeSantis, but either way, the race will be super close according to the polls right now.

However, with Joe Biden carrying awful approval ratings and bringing with him the baggage of a terrible U.S. economy into the 2024 election season, the idea that he could be as comfortable as previous incumbent Presidents is hard to believe.

So the Democrats are all in on the U.S. House to prevent a disaster for their party. But Republicans are already on their case and have a plan to maintain control of the lower chamber of Congress.

That plan is flipping the seat of a critical seat that is currently held by a Democrat who is extremely vulnerable right now.

That seat belongs to freshman Representative Emilia Sykes (D-OH) right now. And her seat is so vulnerable because of her own radicalism and the growing disdain for the Democrat party amongst Ohio voters.

According to the Washington Examiner who exclusively reported on polls they obtained from Ohio, Republicans have a slim majority in the state. Not only that, but Sykes is well under water as only 38.7% of voters want Sykes to be reelected at this point in time.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The internal polling, which was first obtained by the Washington Examiner, shows a tight race in Ohio on the generic congressional ballot, with 46.1% of voters saying they’d prefer a Republican candidate compared to 45.1% who’d back a Democrat. However, only 38.7% of voters say Sykes should be reelected versus 43.3% who say she should be replaced, putting her at a disadvantage. Another 18% are still undecided, according to the poll.

You can point to Sykes’s radical voting record to explain why she is quickly losing the support of Ohio voters.

Sykes voted against the POLICE Act, along with 175 of her fellow Democrats in the House. That would bill would have made attacking a law enforcement officer or first responder a crime that is worthy of deportation.

The Washington Examiner notes that when polled individuals were given the information about Sykes’s voting record, they soured even more on the idea of Sykes being reelected.

Her seat is going to prove extremely crucial for control of the U.S. House, and Republicans already have a leg up in that district in a big way.

Now Republicans are doubling down on flipping her seat to ensure they can set themselves up for success in maintaining control of the House and keeping House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in power of the gavel.

There’s a million other factors to consider, but Republicans are dialed in on this one factor that could mean everything at the end of the day.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on any major 2024 election cycle updates.

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