Shocking development at Harris rally has sent her whole campaign reeling

The Harris campaign is desperately trying to convince the public that America love Kamala. But even their own rally-goers know the truth.

And a shocking development at a Harris rally has sent her whole campaign reeling.

Kamala Harris, the current vice president under Joe Biden and now the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, continues to evade accountability and any serious policy discussions.

At a rally in Phoenix, supporters of Harris were challenged by Turning Point USA’s (TPUSA) Frontlines team to name her accomplishments as vice president. The responses were telling—not because they highlighted a glowing list of achievements but because they revealed the sheer emptiness of her political record.

This should alarm every American who values strong leadership and sound policy, particularly when faced with the prospect of Harris sitting in the Oval Office.

When TPUSA’s Kalen D’Almeida pressed rallygoers on Harris’ policy record, attendees repeatedly fell back on her identity rather than her achievements. One attendee’s response was that Harris’ greatest accomplishment was becoming the first female vice president, especially as a black woman.

This is a point of pride for many on the left, but when pressed for actual policies that make America better, there was only deafening silence.

It’s a troubling trend among Harris supporters—focusing on identity politics over substantive accomplishments. While breaking barriers can be celebrated, what truly matters in leadership is effectiveness, and Kamala Harris’ vice presidency has been marked by failure and incompetence. Yet, supporters seem to overlook these failings, intoxicated by the “vibe” rather than any concrete progress.

Harris has now been the Democratic nominee for three weeks and has yet to release a single policy platform. That’s right, America is watching a potential president coast through a campaign without the public having any idea what she stands for or plans to do.

This isn’t the first time Harris has dodged responsibility. Her entire vice presidency has been marked by a complete absence of real action.

She has failed to lead on crucial issues like the border, economic recovery, and national security. Her supporters at the Phoenix rally couldn’t name a single policy success because there isn’t one.

For example, one attendee, when asked about her favorite Harris policy, responded, “I wish they would tell us more about that.” It’s shocking that even her own supporters have no clue what she’s done.

This is a dangerous reality: a politician aiming for the highest office in the land who has neither articulated a plan nor delivered on her existing responsibilities.

If Kamala Harris is to be judged by her handling of any issue, the border crisis is a glaring failure. Appointed by President Biden in 2021 as the “border czar,” Harris was tasked with addressing one of the most pressing issues in America—illegal immigration. And she failed.

Border crossings skyrocketed during her time in charge, with illegal entries hitting record highs. Yet, Harris refused to visit the southern border to witness the crisis firsthand until the pressure became insurmountable. Even then, it was a half-hearted visit aimed more at damage control than real action.

One attendee at the Phoenix rally dismissed criticism of Harris’ handling of the border, claiming it wasn’t her fault. This is a staggering level of ignorance, considering Harris was given the reins by Biden to tackle the border crisis.

Instead of addressing the problem, she distanced herself from the situation, even laughing off questions about why she hadn’t visited the border by saying, “I haven’t been to Europe either.” This callous and tone-deaf response demonstrates her complete disregard for the American people and the rule of law.

Another rallygoer parroted the far-left’s argument, saying America should “let people come in and do what they like.” This sort of open-border mentality ignores the disastrous impact illegal immigration has on our nation’s economy, security, and social fabric. It also underscores the recklessness of Harris’ policies—or lack thereof.

Her failure to act as “border czar” has endangered countless American communities, and her refusal to take responsibility shows she is unfit for higher office.

If Harris truly had a vision for America, she would proudly share it with the country. Yet, she continues to avoid serious interviews and media engagements. Allies close to her have admitted that they are concerned about the potential damage a long-form interview could do to her campaign. In other words, Harris is incapable of handling the tough questions.

This should worry anyone thinking about her as a future president. A leader unwilling to answer for their record is not a leader at all. Since becoming the nominee, Harris has refused to participate in a single policy-focused press conference.

Instead, she prefers pre-packaged, friendly interviews where she can repeat talking points without facing the serious scrutiny that comes with being a national leader.

Why? Because she has no coherent policy positions to defend. Whether it’s on the economy, national security, or the border, Harris offers nothing of value to the American people. Instead, she hides behind identity politics and media softball interviews while her surrogates attempt to sell her to the public based on symbolism rather than substance.

Kamala Harris’ rise to power is not only a reflection of the Democratic Party’s obsession with identity politics, but it is also an indictment of their abandonment of real leadership. Harris is not just an ineffective politician—she is a danger to America.

With no clear policies, an open-border mindset, and a refusal to engage with the media or the public on the issues that matter, Harris has shown she is entirely unfit to lead.

As vice president, she has already failed on multiple fronts, from immigration to foreign policy. As president, she would be a disaster for this country. Americans deserve a leader who will defend their interests, enforce the law, and engage openly with the public.

Harris has proven time and again that she is unwilling and incapable of doing any of these things.

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