Shocking new details surface in Tucker Carlson firing

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was the biggest name in cable news. That’s why his sudden firing sent tremors through the entire conservative movement.

And shocking new details just surfaced in the Tucker Carlson firing.

The media world has been in an uproar over the past few days.

Fox News announced it had parted ways with Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino, and CNN announced it had fired Don Lemon.

But Tucker was far and away the most popular and successful of any of them.

And we’re learning exactly why he was canned.

As reported by a source, Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News by Fox Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch following a religiously charged speech delivered by the now-former Fox presenter on Friday.

According to the source, Murdoch decided to fire Carlson after he made comments during a speech at the Heritage Foundation’s 50th Anniversary banquet on Friday night.

Vanity Fair reported, “Carlson laced his speech with religious overtones that even Murdoch found too extreme, the source, who was briefed on Murdoch’s decision-making, said.”

During his remarks, Carlson informed the audience that politics had devolved into a struggle between “good” and “evil,” and that the solution was “prayer.”

“I have concluded it might be worth taking just 10 minutes out of your busy schedule to say a prayer for the future, and I hope you will,” Carlson said.

“That stuff freaks Rupert out. He doesn’t like all the spiritual talk,” the source told the outlet.

According to the insider, Murdoch was reportedly “unnerved” by Carlson’s statements because they matched those of his former fiancee Ann Lesley-Smith.

Murdoch and Smith called off their two-week engagement earlier this spring, according to the publication, because Smith had informed others that Carlson was a “messenger from God.”

Per the source, Carlson attended dinner with Murdoch and Smith in late March at the Fox CEO’s Bel Air vineyard, during which Smith brought out a bible and began reading a passage from Exodus.

“Rupert just sat there and stared,” according to the insider.

Vanity Fair reported, “A few days after the dinner, Murdoch and Smith called off the wedding. By taking Carlson off the air, Murdoch was also taking away his ex’s favorite show.”

Fox News issued a statement on Monday announcing that the news network and its top anchor were “parting ways.”

The statement reads: “Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.”

Fox Corporation’s stock dropped as much as 5% after the revelation, wiping approximately $930 million in market value.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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