The Biden administration has officially thrown in the towel with just four words

Joe Biden’s presidency has been on shaky ground for the last two years. It’s forced Biden to make a drastic decision.

And now the Biden administration has officially thrown in the towel with these four words.

On his very first day in office, Joe Biden allowed an influx of illegal immigrants through the borders.

The construction of Donald Trump’s border wall was halted, all deportations were instantly paused for at least 100 days, and Biden pledged a broad amnesty to any illegal immigrants who managed to enter the nation.

As predicted, Joe Biden’s administration has seen record-breaking numbers of illegal immigrants enter the country.

But when Title 42 expires on December 21, things are likely to get considerably worse.

The final effective border security measure implemented by Trump is Title 42.

In order to safeguard the nation during the pandemic, it enables Border Patrol agents to deport illegal aliens quickly.

Reporters questioned Jean-Pierre on what the American people can anticipate at the border once Title 42 expires during a recent White House press briefing.

The President has been working to address the issues we are experiencing at the border since Day One, Jean-Pierre remarked.

She blatantly asserted that Biden “has done the work” to protect the border before accusing Donald Trump of having “gutted” our immigration system and assigning blame for the situation to him.

She claimed that Joe Biden “secured record funding” for border security, so Americans need not worry.

After that, Jean-Pierre charged that Republicans had compromised border security by failing to enact “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Of fact, what Jean-Pierre means by “comprehensive immigration reform” is a general amnesty for the tens of millions of illegal immigrants who already reside in the United States.

However, the problem will only worsen as Title 42 expires and Joe Biden refuses to protect the border.

When they take control of the House in January, House Republicans are threatening to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for failing to carry out his duties and enforce immigration laws.

But Republicans will find it extremely difficult to hold anyone responsible for the next two years as long as Democrats control both the Senate and the White House.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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