The Supreme Court handed Democrats a major election loss with this critical decision

With every year, Democrats are growing more and more radical in their approach to the election cycle. They think they should win every election and any other outcome is funny business.

But the Supreme Court just handed Democrats a major election loss with this critical decision.

Democrats launched a lawsuit in six states to invalidate the Congressional maps: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Ohio, and Texas.

Republicans control these states, and during the redistricting process, they constructed legislative districts that mirrored the state’s Republican lean.

Democrats are continuously attempting to rig the redistricting process by utilizing partisan judges to force Democrat-friendly designs on Republican-controlled states.

That’s what the Left tried to do by claiming Republicans redrew Texas boundaries with racist intent in order to make districts more white and hence more Republican.

“At the center of the dispute is Senate District 10, which is centered in Fort Worth in Tarrant County. Challengers argued the map was redrawn to make it more Republican and ‘more Anglo,’” CNN reported.

An appeals court dismissed the Democrats’ petition, noting the lack of proof that Republicans in the Texas state legislature redrew districts with racist intent.

“A panel of three judges on a district court conducted four days of hearings and held although the new state Senate map may ‘disproportionately affect minority voters’ in Tarrant County, and although the legislature may have given ‘pretextual reasons’ for its redistricting decisions, the challengers could point to no evidence indicating that the legislature’s ‘true intent was racial,’” CNN added.

Leftists filed an appeal with the Supreme Court.

The Justices, however, dismissed this challenge and ended the case.

Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, who now leads the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, emphasized that this case is critical to Democrats’ efforts to retake the majority in 2024.

Holder warned that if Democrats win this case, left-wing judges will be able to impose favorable maps on red states, putting Democrats back in control in 2024.

“I certainly think that were we to win the majority of those cases [and keep the seats they currently hold], Democrats would be in control of the House of Representatives,” Holder stated.

“I don’t think there’s any question about that.”

Marina Jenkins, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee’s director of litigation and policy, projected that the case may earn the Democrats 13 seats in the House of Representatives.

With Republicans having only a nine-seat majority, Democrats would be able to recapture power should that be the case.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on election news.

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