Tim Walz shocks the world with a new stunning display of incompetence

Ever since being announced as Harris’ VP pick, Tim Walz has been in the spotlight. And his lies and horrible leadership have been exposed.

But now, Tim Walz has shocked the world with a new stunning display of incompetence.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, now the Democratic nominee for Vice President alongside Kamala Harris, had a moment of glaring incompetence this week that left voters shaking their heads.

In an interview with a local CBS affiliate in Macon, Georgia, Walz was asked a simple yet crucial question: What would he and Kamala Harris do to help families struggling financially?

Instead of offering concrete solutions, Walz fumbled through a series of unrelated talking points, showcasing the Harris-Walz campaign’s glaring lack of a plan.

The question posed to Walz should have been an easy one. With inflation skyrocketing, families across America are desperately seeking leadership that can offer real relief. But when asked for specifics on how he and Harris plan to help these struggling families, Walz’s response was nothing short of a disaster.

Rather than addressing the economic pain that everyday Americans are feeling, Walz offered a laundry list of proposals that either had nothing to do with inflation or were already part of Trump’s legacy.

Walz’s response started with an attempt to connect with middle-class families by claiming he and Kamala Harris understood their struggles. “I tell them Kamala Harris and I know something about it being middle-class folks. Our family sit at the table trying to pay the bill,” he said.

It was a patronizing and out-of-touch statement from someone who has spent most of his adult life in politics, not dealing with the harsh realities facing average Americans. His vague attempt at empathy quickly dissolved into a series of unrelated talking points that showed just how disconnected he and Harris are from the actual concerns of the American people.

Instead of addressing the elephant in the room—inflation—Walz offered a response that read like a laundry list of Democrat pet projects. He started by talking about home ownership, saying: “I think that’s why Kamala Harris has put out a plan — especially around home ownership — making sure we’re building 3 million more affordable homes, making sure we’re making the down payment assistance there.”

But what does building homes have to do with families struggling to pay their bills now? Home ownership is a worthy goal, but for families living paycheck to paycheck, dealing with skyrocketing grocery prices and utility bills, it’s not a solution that helps them today.

In fact, under the Biden-Harris administration, housing prices have surged, making home ownership less attainable for many Americans. Building homes is a long-term policy initiative, not an immediate answer to the inflationary crisis crippling the American middle class.

Walz then pivoted to another unrelated issue: lowering drug prices. While that sounds good on the surface, Walz conveniently forgot to mention that President Donald Trump had already taken significant steps to lower drug prices during his administration.

The Harris-Walz campaign is taking credit for initiatives they didn’t even start, and what’s worse, they’re falsely claiming it as a solution to an economic problem they’ve made worse.

Walz’s most glaring disconnect came when he began to tout infrastructure investments, claiming, “We’re investing in rural communities like the Investment Acts that have created a lot of new jobs in terms of infrastructure and other things. Those are things that we start to get a handle on it.” Infrastructure spending, again, is a long-term project. While improving roads and bridges is important, it does little to address the immediate financial woes that American families are grappling with today.

Moreover, the Biden-Harris administration’s so-called progress on infrastructure has been embarrassingly slow. Three years in, and they’ve managed to install just eight charging stations for electric vehicles. If that’s their measure of success, it’s no wonder families feel abandoned.

Walz’s inability to offer a direct, meaningful response to the question of inflation isn’t just a slip-up. It’s a clear indication that the Harris-Walz ticket has no concrete plan to fix the economic mess they’ve helped create. Instead of offering solutions, Walz delivered a series of tired Democrat talking points that don’t even begin to address the real concerns of Americans.

Perhaps most revealing of all was Walz’s blatant lie about Donald Trump’s approach to dealing with inflation. Walz claimed, falsely, that Trump’s plan involved a “national sales tax.” This is a complete fabrication. Trump has never proposed a national sales tax.

Instead, what Walz is referring to is Trump’s use of tariffs, which were aimed at protecting American industries and creating jobs at home—an approach that helped boost the American economy before Biden and Harris took office and began to unravel the progress.

Trump’s tariffs were part of a broader economic policy designed to put America first, securing jobs for American workers and ensuring that American industries weren’t being undercut by foreign competitors. Yet, Walz chose to distort the truth in a pathetic attempt to smear Trump, hoping that voters wouldn’t know the difference.

In reality, Biden and Harris have kept many of Trump’s tariffs in place and even increased some, recognizing their necessity. But instead of being honest, Walz and Harris are opting to spread falsehoods, hoping to distract from their own policy failures.

Walz’s incoherent response during the interview is emblematic of the broader Harris-Walz campaign. It’s a campaign of empty promises, half-truths, and blatant lies. They claim to care about the middle class, but their policies have only made life harder for everyday Americans. From inflation to housing prices to rising crime, the Harris-Walz ticket has shown that they are out of touch with the real needs of the American people.

It’s not just that Walz didn’t have an answer in the moment—it’s that he couldn’t have an answer, because he and Kamala Harris don’t have a plan. They can offer all the long-term proposals they want, but none of it addresses the immediate struggles families are facing under their leadership.

What we saw in that interview wasn’t just a candidate stumbling over his words—it was a candidate revealing the utter lack of vision, leadership, and competence that he and Kamala Harris bring to the table. And if this is the best they have to offer, Americans should be very concerned about what the future holds under their leadership.

As the 2024 election approaches, voters are being presented with a clear choice. On one hand, you have the Harris-Walz ticket—a duo that can’t even answer simple questions about the economy, let alone offer real solutions. On the other hand, you have candidates like Donald Trump, who not only have a track record of putting America first but also have a clear vision for how to restore the economic prosperity that has been lost under Biden and Harris.

The American people deserve leaders who understand their struggles and have the courage to take bold action to address them. Tim Walz and Kamala Harris have proven that they are not those leaders. It’s time for a change. America can’t afford four more years of empty promises and failed policies.

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