Top Clinton advisor just betrayed the Harris campaign and accused her of something horrifying

Democrat supporters are leaving the liberal party en masse. But now, this one defection might be the biggest one yet.

And a top Clinton advisor just betrayed the Harris campaign and accused her of something horrific.

In a striking condemnation of the media’s handling of the recent 2024 presidential debate, Mark Penn, a former top adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, voiced serious concerns over what he described as a “rigged” debate in favor of Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.

Speaking on the John Solomon Reports podcast, Penn pointed a finger directly at ABC News, accusing them of skewing the debate against former President Donald Trump and showing blatant favoritism toward Vice President Harris. This revelation adds fuel to an already raging fire surrounding media bias in the 2024 election and highlights the growing distrust many Americans have in establishment news outlets.

During the debate, moderated by ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis, it became glaringly apparent to many observers that Trump was held to a different standard than his opponent. Trump, known for his no-nonsense and unapologetic style, was constantly interrupted, pressed, and “fact-checked” on many of his accusations and policy statements.

In contrast, Harris was allowed to skate through the evening with little to no scrutiny of her own statements. This stark imbalance left many wondering whether the moderators were truly impartial or if they were actively working to shield the Democratic candidate from tough questioning.

Penn did not mince words, calling for an internal investigation at ABC News to determine whether the debate was rigged from the outset. “I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don’t know how much of this was planned in advance,” Penn said.

His comments reflect a deepening suspicion among political commentators and voters that mainstream media is working in concert with Democratic campaigns to undermine Trump’s chances in the 2024 election.

Trump has long been a vocal critic of the media, often labeling them the “enemy of the people” for their overt bias and unrelenting hostility toward his presidency and candidacy. The 2024 debate only reaffirmed what Trump and his supporters have been saying for years—that the mainstream media is working hand in hand with the Democratic establishment to block his return to the White House.

ABC News’ moderators were notably more aggressive in pressing Trump for answers while allowing Harris to evade critical questions, feeding the perception of a stacked deck. Trump made this clear in his post-debate remarks, declaring that he would not participate in any further debates if the format remained as lopsided as it was.

Even CNN’s Jake Tapper, hardly a Trump supporter, acknowledged that Kamala Harris dodged many of the debate’s most critical questions, further proving that Trump’s complaints about the debate’s unfairness were not unfounded.

Despite the seemingly “three against one” nature of the event, Trump emerged as the winner in the eyes of many, including undecided voters. A post-debate poll from Reuters showed that Trump had a stronger showing than Harris, gaining significant support from independents and those still on the fence.

This result flies in the face of the media’s clear attempt to cast Harris as the victor, illustrating the enduring strength of Trump’s message and his connection with the American people.

Penn’s call for an independent investigation into ABC News’ handling of the debate is not just about this one event. It speaks to a larger problem of media bias that has plagued American politics for years. As Penn explained, the suspicion surrounding the debate is “quite high,” and a thorough review of internal communications at ABC—texts, emails, and instructions given to moderators—should be conducted by an independent third party.

“What the situation demands is transparency and accountability,” Penn stated. “If the referees have their finger on the scale, it’s harder to break through and overcome.”

In a political environment where every decision matters, especially in the lead-up to an election as pivotal as 2024, media bias has the potential to dramatically alter the course of American democracy. When news organizations abandon their responsibility to remain neutral and instead become advocates for one side, the American people lose faith in the democratic process.

This erosion of trust in the media was a major theme during Trump’s first term, and it continues to be an issue in his second campaign. Trump’s supporters are no strangers to seeing their candidate unfairly maligned and attacked by the press, yet they remain resolute in their belief that Trump is the one leader capable of taking on the establishment and restoring fairness to the system.

Kamala Harris, currently Vice President under Joe Biden, has benefited immensely from a mainstream media that has treated her with kid gloves throughout her political career. Despite her lack of accomplishments and dubious record as California’s attorney general, Harris has been propped up as the future of the Democratic Party, with glowing profiles and puff pieces that would make any politician jealous.

As Penn pointed out, Harris has succeeded in convincing some Americans that she represents “change,” even though she’s been an integral part of an administration that has overseen unprecedented inflation, rising crime, and chaos at the southern border. The media has largely ignored her failures and missteps, choosing instead to focus on her identity and her role as a “historic” candidate.

But as Trump and his campaign have made clear, Harris is not the leader the country needs—and her policies, if ever fully enacted, would spell disaster for America’s working families.

Penn also highlighted one of Harris’s most radical positions: her support for taxpayer-funded s*x change operations for prisoners and her call to defund ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).

These positions, documented in her response to an ACLU survey, expose just how out-of-touch Harris is with mainstream American values. As Penn advised, Trump’s campaign would do well to distribute this survey to every voter, showing just how extreme Harris’s positions truly are.

As the 2024 election draws nearer, the stakes couldn’t be higher. With a biased media openly working to undermine Trump and prop up Kamala Harris, the battle ahead will be fierce. But if there’s one thing Trump has proven, it’s that he’s a fighter. Despite the media’s best efforts to paint him as a villain, Trump remains the candidate of the people, and his message of economic prosperity, national security, and putting America first resonates across the country.

Mark Penn’s call for an investigation into ABC News should not be ignored. The American people deserve to know if their media is manipulating events to influence the outcome of an election. The media’s role is to report the news fairly, not to be a cheerleader for one candidate while tearing down another. As Penn said, “General media coverage has been fairly laughable,” but the consequences of that bias are no laughing matter.

The 2024 election will be a referendum not just on Biden and Harris’s failed policies, but on the integrity of the media and the entire political system. Trump’s supporters understand what’s at stake, and they’re prepared to stand with him, no matter how hard the establishment tries to stop him. The media may have their finger on the scale, but with Trump leading the charge, the American people have the power to restore balance and fairness to the country.

The media’s bias in the Trump-Harris debate is just the latest chapter in a long history of the establishment trying to block Trump’s path to the White House. But as Mark Penn rightly pointed out, this cannot go unanswered. The American people deserve transparency, and ABC News must be held accountable for its actions. Trump’s ability to fight through this bias and emerge stronger speaks volumes about his resilience and his deep connection with the American people.

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